Need motivating friends :)



  • ChristineLavi
    ChristineLavi Posts: 62 Member
    I am fairly new to MFP I joined last year but did not get serious until the end of Jan 2013 at which time I had gained more weight UGH :( . So from my highest I have lost 38lbs now :) I still want to loose about another 60lbs. I am 5'6, 39 years old, and done with where I was at :) I am looking to add active people who are looking for motivation also. I find so much inspiration here, thanks everyone!

    We are close in high and goals AND we CAN do this together!

    37 yrs
    HW; 260 (pant size 24)
    SW: 250
    CW: 217
    GW: 150
  • Hi there

    Feel free to add me. I just joined and started getting serious this past Monday. So far I have lost 4 pounds... water weight? I feel pretty good about what I am eating and making conscious choices.
  • I've just rejoined after a year away (and sadly, regained all the weight I lost, and then some!) I need to lose some serious weight, would like to drop at least 75 lbs or so - want to get down below 160 lb at least! I'm 67 years old, in good health, generally, but tire easily and find I can't keep up with my favorite activities, and I'm just not ready to quit them! So, I'm looking for motivating friends in my age group, who can sympathize with how difficult it is at our age to lose pounds and get fit again. I live in a rural setting in northeastern Missouri, and there's no gym or other programs for seniors easily available for me (or at least within 40-50 miles)
  • JKind777
    JKind777 Posts: 10
    I started a few weeks back as well...feel free to add me! I need more accountability!
  • mistresstomato
    mistresstomato Posts: 19 Member
    Feel free to add me! I've been using MFP for almost a year and I'm on every day. I saw my husband lose 156 lbs in a year using this app and going to the gym. I'm pretty much at my goal weight, but I'd like to keep it there! =)
  • I started I while ago, feel free to add me :)
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    feel free to add
  • Feel free to add me :-) In fact, a request has been sent. I can use the extra motivation as well. I just started getting serious these lase couple of weeks :-) I want to be at or near my goal weight by the time my birthday comes along in August!!!
  • sole_yummy
    sole_yummy Posts: 6 Member
    Its getting down to the wire! i need some motivation! im a mommy of 3 and my family is getting ready to move to FL in a few months which means i will b at the beac all the time :( i gotta get it in gear and get my body semi beach ready
  • kgem4u2
    kgem4u2 Posts: 69
    I really started to get serious a few weeks back. Just joined MFP about two weeks ago. :smile: Really looking forward to taking this journey in getting healthier.
  • 19Lindsay76
    19Lindsay76 Posts: 135
    sending a request now :) anyone can feel free to add me as well. we are all here for support!
  • bluebirds5
    bluebirds5 Posts: 92 Member
    Wow! we are really close with all the numbers. I look forward to hearing from you :)