Help just turned 50 and can't seem to lose

I have been a dieter most of my life. I have exersiced counted calories, did liquid diets, took boot camp and even tried HCG. Now I am all mixed up and can't seem to get in to a good healthy groove.

I have been here a few times and stopped and came back again and again. I am trying to convince myself that this is it the last time I am going to start because this time I am going to make it my new life and finish.

I am taking zumba going to the YMCA for weights and some eliptical and have joined a boxing club. I work 1 full time job and 1 part time and have a teenager who needs driven around alot.

I need to schedule every second. and it oh so easy to just grab a drive through meal. I need to stop all the excuses

I think I just needed to vent but any words of encouragement or ideas that you can offfer up. I am wanting to hear



  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    One day at a time :) Log your foods and your exercise, make sure you are measuring and weighing your food so you know what a portion size actually is. My biggest problem was portion distortion. Add some friends for encouragement and someplace to vent when needed. Don't give up :) You are more than welcome to add me as a friend
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    You said everything needs to be scheduled right? In the morning, I make food to take with me for lunch, snacks and log my food for the entire day. I think you need to try packing stuff ahead of time to have with you when you're doing your errands, etc.

    Maybe try to have your workout in the morning before you go to work so its already done ( i try to do this as much as possible so I can't talk myself out of it later). Good luck!