How long do you bake an egg?



  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I put the egg (in shell) on the cookie tray and have placed it in the oven at 450 F. How long should it bake for? I am nervous about overcooking it.

    found on internet - googled how to cook an egg in the oven.

    Here is what you do.
    Preheat your oven to 325. Some of the posts I found said between 325-350. My eggs turned out perfect at 325. If you know your oven runs cooler, try out a higher temp.

    PLEASE DO A TEST RUN with a couple eggs until you figure out the correct cooking temp for your oven.

    Place eggs in a muffin tin to prevent them from rolling around.
    Cook for 30 minutes.

    After the 30 minutes, remove eggs from the oven and place in a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process.I left them in there for about 10 minutes.

    That’s it! Perfect eggs every time. I have cooked about 4 dozen so far and have had success with EVERY batch.
    Not an egg lover? Make sure to pin this one for Easter time.. it will be a life saver for coloring eggs
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,140 Member
    Well, that's easy. You cook it until its done.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Just boil the damn egg OP. Seriously.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    I just keep the microwave turned on until the egg explodes, then scrape it onto my plate with a spatula.

    Picking the bits of shell out of my teeth gets tedious though - maybe I should rethink this.

    The solution would be to swallow it whole so you don't get shell in your teeth.
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    What difference does it make to the taste? Baking in the shell or boiling in water, I am curious?

    It seems a very expensive way to cook an egg?

    Great, so now you're blaming global warming on eggs?
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I put mine in a mini muffin tin and bake at 325 for 30 min. Then dump in ice water. I have a double oven and put them in the smaller non-convection top oven (not sure if that makes a diff).
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I just keep the microwave turned on until the egg explodes, then scrape it onto my plate with a spatula.

    Picking the bits of shell out of my teeth gets tedious though - maybe I should rethink this.

    Just run it through a sifter first. Or eat the eggshells. Calcium is good for you.

    Or, hell. Just swallow the entire egg, in shell, raw.
  • just_fur_luck
    just_fur_luck Posts: 141 Member
    I put the egg (in shell) on the cookie tray and have placed it in the oven at 450 F. How long should it bake for? I am nervous about overcooking it.

    Wait. So you just threw some eggs in the oven at a randomly chosen temperature and then went to the interwebz (to a fitness forum) to get various opinions from random people about how long you should leave them in the oven?
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    I put the egg (in shell) on the cookie tray and have placed it in the oven at 450 F. How long should it bake for? I am nervous about overcooking it.

    Wait. So you just threw some eggs in the oven at a randomly chosen temperature and then went to the interwebz (to a fitness forum) to get various opinions from random people about how long you should leave them in the oven?

    No. The temperature wasn't random at all. It's the temperature that I was baking my french fries at. Duh.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    I tried this once and will never try again. The eggs turned into little egg bombs as I was peeling them. I made the mistake of leaving them on the counter to cool and my early 20-something kids had "fun" exploding them in the sink. What a waste of a dozen eggs. Oh well!