Let's try this again

So I joined this site and deleted my account like three different times in the last few years. I didn't have anyone on my friends list besides my dad and he was pretty inactive. that might have been my problem. So let's try this again. My name is Sam, I am aspiring to be a body builder (light weight, you know the ones that do the bikini modelling). the problem is, I have never really been that strong (physically) and I'd really like to be. it will improve my energy level and I will finally look the way I feel about myself (I have really high self confidence). if anyone would like to be friends on here and swap success stories I think that would really help.


  • stephierue
    stephierue Posts: 110 Member
    Feel free to add me! I joined a while ago, had success & then slacked off on recording my food intake & creeped back up slowly. I have to get back on track too! Get lots of friends & get in the habit of checking in. There are so many great people on this site that will surely motivate you! Good luck!
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    I did the same thing, i joined this web-site about a year ago but never added friends and really didn't do anything with the web-site until about 3 months ago. I have found it easier to track food and excersie with the support I get from the friends on this site.
    You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • Amberlynnek
    Amberlynnek Posts: 405 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me!!
  • spirytwynd
    spirytwynd Posts: 141 Member
    You can do it. Add me if you like. Make your goals. Figure out how to get to them. Then do it! :-)