Looking to lose 10 lbs this month!


So I have a vacation coming up beginning of June and I'm setting a 10 lb weight loss goal for this month. Looking for some like minded motivational friends for support and where we can feed off of each others successes!

Please add me as a friend or post here if you'd like to join me!!!!




  • andezz99
    andezz99 Posts: 56 Member
    I just started a Paleo diet for 30 days (also called a caveman diet). I guarantee you will lose 10 lbs if you follow it. Your diet basically consists of the following:

    Meat- Beef, Chicken, Fish, etc.
    Vegetables- any and all except (Corn- grains are excluded)
    Fruits- In moderation (2 servings per day)
    Nuts- No (Peanuts)

    Here is what is out, and this may seem like the hard part but trust me, you get used to it.

    No Bread, or grains (oat meal, cereal, crackers, etc)
    No Potatoes
    No Dairy (Cheese, yogurt, etc.)
    No sugar, creamers, or artificial sweatners
    And as a general rule, no packaged food of any kind.

    Sounds hard but if you manage to eat the allowed foods at each meal, they will fill you up and because of the dense nature of these foods, they contain low calories and provide a long tie to mettabolise in your body.

    I am on day 19 so far and have dropped weight fast (I also work out each day) but if your goal is only 10lbs, this should be a breeze for you.
  • TheRunnerDad
    TheRunnerDad Posts: 33 Member
    So what do you eat for breakfast each day? Don't you get tired of all the protein?
    ALLENFLO Posts: 61 Member
    I did something similar to the caveman and lost my first 10ish doing what you suggested. I usually eat around 5 meals a day protein, fruits, and vegetables.

    The first week, it was only protein and vegetables. No SUGAR! Dropped about 8 lbs in 5 days or so with normal weight lifting and some cardio mixed in. I know some was water and muscle but it is more of a mental kick start.

    Now I've moved fruits back in and some grains here and there and pretty much back to a normal diet and down about 10lbs after 2 weeks and water levels are back to normal.

    I'll usually maintain that for 5 - 6 days a week and on the 7th day have some moderation of whatever types of foods I like. Kind of puts my body out of FASTing mode and is ready to start losing again by Monday.

    Thanks for the suggestions! It works great for my body as sounds like it does for yours.

    and for the breakfast questions, I usually have

    Salmon or
    Hard Boiled Eggs or
    Chicken or
    Turkey or

    and some sort of fruit. Usually some left over protein from one of the days before.

    ALLENFLO Posts: 61 Member
    Day 19 is awesome. Nice work! Keep it up. Once the cravings are gone, it's smooth sailing as long as you have a good variety of foods and flavors in the mix!

    Thanks and grats on the progress so far!