Attn female heavy lifters with open diaries

(or males)

So here's my story: I've always loved to lift heavy. About 10 years ago, I was lifting really heavy, and got in great shape, but I wasn't really gaining as much muscle as I thought I should be. I just chalked it up to being a slow gainer. Over the years, I've learned I was probably having too few calories. I was great with the protein (AT LEAST a gram per pound of my body weight), but I just think I didn't have enough calories in general to help that muscle build. I should have been eating more.

So here I am back at it, ready to start rebuilding. I've lifted all along, but generally not to failure, just to keep from getting really out of shape.

I'm trying to figure how many calories I need to have daily to help this body get in shape.

About me: I'm currently 5'3" and 129 pounds. I definitely need to get rid of some fat, but I know that will come off when I start eating cleaner and working harder. I'm not sure what my ideal weight is, but probably somewehre around 115-117. When I *thought* I was in good shape, I was 103. At that time I was benching about 130 and deadlifted maybe 180 (don't remember but I thought it was a lot for my size.

I have celiac disease, so I am gluten free. I drink wine. I have a desk job, but otherwise I am very active after work. My family keeps me busy while I coach many of their sports. I drink wine Not a big fan of cardio and really want to lift so I can avoid it ;). My current "diet" sucks. I don't claim to eat great, but, I've seen much worse. I drink wine.

So if you're willing to share, I'd like to know your current weight, goal weight, calories in general, protein, carbs, and fat.

I know there are lots of topics on heavy lifting out there right now. If you don't agree with doing it, just feel free to move on, but those interested in helping, I'd love some info. TIA!!!

So, I'd love to see diaries of heavy lifters. How many calories are you eating?