LAST 10 POUNDS!!!!!!!


Come up a long way here but my last 10 pounds wont budge ! I am doing everything I can - do an hour of cardio all 5 days of weekdays ( starting out on saturday too now)

1 cheat day.

Make sure my calorie count is not more than 1000 each day - but still the pounds wont go down ! I am frustrated the 26 pounds before wasn't hard the last 10 seem to be the hardest. Please help! Thanks


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    1 cheat day, depending on how many calories are being consumed, can erase an entire week's deficit.

    Although eating 1000 calories a day isn't very much. Are you accurately measuring?
  • Heidi71285
    Heidi71285 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm also in the last 10 phase and it sucks.... big time. I think you are eating too few calories. Under 1000 is too low. Your body will be in starvation mode and you definitely won't lose then. I stick between 1150 and 1250 and make sure I burn off over half that every day except my day off where I still try to burn 1/4 off with a jog or something light.

    It all depends on what you're eating, when you're eating it, how much of it you are eating, and how you're working out. I have 7 to go and have had to change so many things that worked before but don't any more.

    Good luck!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    You shouldn't take advice from me since I'm working on my last 75, but

    -less cardio
    -HIITs instead of hour long cardio
    -more calories, especially more protein
    -lift heavy
    -stop cheating, and start re-feeding purposefully
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    Last pounds are hard to lose. Id suggest clean as possible eating ( no refined, or processed foods, rarely any grains or meat or dairy)
    plenty exercise and plenty rest. No cheat day its the last innings
  • ajstacey
    ajstacey Posts: 18 Member
    How much weight training do you do? More muscle = more fat burning.
    I also agree you are eating too few calories. You could be stalling your metabolisim.
    Try adding some strength training to your already awesome cardio routine and increase your calories with good calories, not empty ones.
    Be patient, it'll come.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Ok, so someone said start re-feeding but they didn't say why.
    The reason for the re-feed is to Trick your body so I doesn't know what to do, it throws you outta wack and yes its a good out of wack.

    Re-feeding is an increase in cals and diff foods your body isnt used too

    Refeeding syndrome occurs when beginning to “refeed” a severely malnourished person. Malnutrition may be due to famine, disease or anorexia nervosa. The syndrome is exacerbated by a sudden shift from burning fats and protein to burning carbohydrates, which causes a dramatic fall in serum electrolytes accompanied by sodium and water retention. The fluid and electrolyte imbalances can lead to life-threatening complications including heart failure, convulsions, coma, and death. To prevent the syndrome, refeeding should not be aggressive; rather, it should begin with a high-protein, low-carbohydrate, very low calorie-diet fed orally or by tube, and the calories should be increased very gradually while monitoring electrolytes and physical signs
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    A cheat day won't have done any harm other than temporarily raising the weight on the scales for 2 or 3 days. It certainly won't ruin a whole week of dieting unless the calories is in the high thousands.

    I am also in my last 10 pounds and I am still going to have a Chinese curry takeaway tomorrow and alcohol and going to enjoy every mouthful. I will still be in my calorie limit.

    It is the 1000 calories that is probably stopping you from losing. Eat more.
  • Lili0817
    Lili0817 Posts: 109 Member
    Perfect answer, I completely agree!
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    You shouldn't take advice from me since I'm working on my last 75, but

    -less cardio
    -HIITs instead of hour long cardio
    -more calories, especially more protein
    -lift heavy
    -stop cheating, and start re-feeding purposefully

    I'm in my last 10 and I can't say ^^THIS^^ enough. Eat more, less cardio, lift, lift, lift heavy.
  • Mrsfreedom41
    Mrsfreedom41 Posts: 330 Member
    Your body probably thinks it is starving. Up your calorie intake to at least 1200 and watch the sodium, sugar and fat intake. This may help. Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • Yeah honey you need to eat more! Your body thinks it's starving (because it is) and so it's being stubborn and holding on to those last few pounds. Fill up on lean protein (I LOVE Dannon's light and fit Greek yogurt as a snack) whole grains, fresh fruits, and veggies. I'd also suggest the HIT training instead of an hour of cardio-it'll trick your body a little. If you're not lifting HEAVY weights, you should start! Good luck!
  • luvmalife
    luvmalife Posts: 5
    Awesome this is why i love myfitnesspal ! I should start lifting more I havent been doing a lot of weights off late don't know why I shifted to more cardio ! will get back to weight trainings any possible workout schedule for weights i can follow ?

    Will up my calories to 1200 and try cutting out on the cheat day!

    I really need to lose the 10 pounds - its wedding day time :( July 14!!!! Hence the hurry.. Appreciate all the responses - would be glad if someone is able to give me a muscle lifting workout schedule !
  • abenardini
    abenardini Posts: 43 Member
    You shouldn't take advice from me since I'm working on my last 75, but

    -less cardio
    -HIITs instead of hour long cardio
    -more calories, especially more protein
    -lift heavy
    -stop cheating, and start re-feeding purposefully

    YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS ADVICE!!! Exactly what I was going to say..I am right there with you with the last 10 pounds but am doing everything suggested above and I am losing about .5 to 1 lb a week. I eat my TDEE - 20% and FINALLY the weight is coming off. Although what I do, to allow myself some wiggle room a couple days a week, is take my caloric allowance for the week and eat lower on some days and slightly higher on others but I still count every calorie, measure and weigh all my food.