BMR 1200 but can't get below 1200 cal?!



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I think I am confused about the whole 'deficit" part of TDEE is 2203; so how many calories should I be eating if I want to lose even 1 lb a week? I still would like to lose at least 15 lbs, I know that doesnt sound like much, but I am short. So even 5 lbs is noticeable in my size. thanks for all your input! i appreciate it

    Take 500 from your TDEE to lose Ib a week. And do not eat back exercise calories when doing it this way.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I think I am confused about the whole 'deficit" part of TDEE is 2203; so how many calories should I be eating if I want to lose even 1 lb a week? I still would like to lose at least 15 lbs, I know that doesnt sound like much, but I am short. So even 5 lbs is noticeable in my size. thanks for all your input! i appreciate it

    Take 500 from your TDEE to lose Ib a week. And do not eat back exercise calories when doing it this way.

    20% is a better number than 500 across the board. fits a wider range of caloric needs.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    440 calories, whoopee doo, hardly a major difference between that and 500 to be honest.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    If you are exercising and eating back some exercise calories, you will lose weight. PLEASE eat your minimum AND eat back SOME exercise calories. If you want to lose weight AND BE HEALTHY, eat and exercise and don't worry about the scale so much. It took me two years to lose almost 60 pounds and I feel really good and my butt and chest are up where they are supposed to be! Women need to stay strong and eating and exercise is what keeps you that way. There are so many things you can do - yoga, zumba, spinning, weight lifting, running, interval training. I recommend finding a nice gym and taking some classes to explore what you like. I am now getting comments like Jessica Rabbit, Pamela Anderson, Smokeshow. LOL. I can't imagine what I'd look like if I didn't take it slow and focus on the health part. Don't starve yourself. Eat and workout. Trust me - you won't regret it. Good luck!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    440 calories, whoopee doo, hardly a major difference between that and 500 to be honest.

    i know, but when we talk about people with TDEEs of 1500-1800 it makes a difference. just makes more sense to use a percentage than a hard and fast number.
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    I think I am confused about the whole 'deficit" part of TDEE is 2203; so how many calories should I be eating if I want to lose even 1 lb a week? I still would like to lose at least 15 lbs, I know that doesnt sound like much, but I am short. So even 5 lbs is noticeable in my size. thanks for all your input! i appreciate it

    Approximately 3,500 calories make up a pound of fat. So over 7 days that is a daily deficit of 500 calories. So with a TDEE of 2,203 that would be 1,703. If using the MFP method, how many calories does it say after you've entered your activity level, weight, height, sex, 1 lb/week goal, etc? 1 lb per week might be too much, although using TDEE-X% 500 calories is a deficit of 22.7% so it depends on your body.

    Height doesn't take lean mass into account and I haven't worked out my "rule" for anything other than for heights of about 5' 7": men less than 140 lb and women less than 130 lb should probably increase lean mass first.

    At 101 lb, you would be classed as underweight by BMI and at 91 lb your BMI would be 16.64. Although BMI doesn't take body composition or bone density into account, at the edges of normal and overweight/underweight you should be able to tell if you have above/below average lean mass for your height. If I were you, I'd probably set a goal of 5 lb over 12 weeks assuming I had average muscle mass and bone density and if I weren't sure about that I'd probably involve my doctor as "underweight" has been linked to quite a few health problems.