5 lbs, sounds small, but works for me

CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
Yep, I lost 5 lbs from an old pic I found and it made me happy. Sounds small, but I'm going to post about it anyway.

So I haven't lost that much weight. And I'm probably pretty half assed when it comes to consistency. And I didn't take any 'before' pics (which I regret, so take some now, NOW!). But I put on a top that I haven't put on since I was 5 lbs heavier because it made me look 'fat'. There's a lot of 'big' loses on this site that are jaw dropping but this 5 lbs made enough difference to make me feel happy. To tell you the truth, I could probably feel just as happy 5 lbs higher these days. Many people argued with me 5 lbs ago that I was still 'skinny'. But my squshy gut just didn't feel the same as I did when I use to dance.

Why did 5 lbs make me feel so different? Well you can't feel pictures but I'm feeling a whole lot firmer then I use to. I was once one of those cardio bunnies listening to the 'holier than thou' heavy lifters who seemed to think their loses were more important and were constantly telling me to lift (politely, 'cause my friends are awesome, now I wish they pushed me more 'cause I know they had all kinds of good information they were tired of spewing ;) when I hated lifting and it made me hurt. I had no appreciation for strength at the time. I didn't see the benefit. I saw so many cardio bunnies complain that they still had fat to lose, and thought at a particular weight they'd feel happy because they were that weight before. Well I got down to my goal and I felt flabbier then dancer me. I thought I just got old somewhere along the lines. And I started getting a better understanding about body weight fluctuations and how to change body composition and after seeing so many lifters boast themselves up I started arguing with them, asking them questions. And I'm glad I did, because you really can't argue with facts (even though I still like my hiking cardio, good for the health, yay strong organs!). And after lifting, even my puny self, a half assed lifter, seen results. I remember this 'flowie' shirt touching my stomach and showing a muffin top I was self conscious about the whole day when I was in Florida. A measly 5 lbs created enough extra material to make an inner glow again:

Every now and then I tell myself why puny weakling, why should I bother continuing to lift. And then I look at an old picture and shock myself.

The new pictures were taken today. Oh, and these are the 'spandex' I was wearing in the first picture (though I admit I'm a few pounds heavier then in this pic, though they are still lose):

P.S. this was brought to you at the moment I wanted to 'progress' and go to my gym room but I'm to stomach sick from a bug I've caught but saw this pic and feel a little less lost now. I highly recommend everyone taking vain mirror pictures of themselves. I hate mirrors, and I have to say, looking back on things really puts your critical self in it's place. Even if you can see just the smallest of a difference.


  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I threw in a front pic to keep the 'you look no different in your pictures' people at bay :wink: Unfortunately I can still remember standing and seeing a buldge...now I stand and see a flap of material floating in the air. The pics may not be the best demonstration, but there's a change. Good-bye muffin tops. I haven't seen one in a while.

    And 'cause it's fun and I just figured out how to make animated gifs, 360 view lol (taken last week):

    See, I can still lift and be a dancer :wink:
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    Hard to believe it is only 5 lb difference dear, looks like so much more! Great work!

    PS hope you feel better soon!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Definitely see a big difference between then and now. Excellent work.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Yay! Everybody lift!
  • ucalegon
    ucalegon Posts: 43 Member
    What's your lifting routine? A beginner wants to know!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Fantastic! Thanks for sharing! I'm also a dancer. I also only lost five pounds and have been lifting weights and strength training for the past 10 months. It's not a typical weight loss story, but I am very happy also with the progress in my fitness in how I look, how I feel, and what I can do. :flowerforyou:

    Edit to add: also I went down 3 sizes in clothing.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Five pounds was all I wanted to lose too. It doesn't even show much in pictures. But it means that none of my clothes are too small for me, even fabulous vintage dresses I couldn't bear not to buy even though they didn't quite fit. I don't want to lose any more.

    It feels like a huge success. It certainly took long enough. At eight months to lose 5 pounds, I was losing about 2.5 ounces a week.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Even though I understand how you can shrink sizes and stay at relatively the same weight, it never ceases to amaze me when I see it in pictures. You look stunning.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh baby!
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I'm totally with you! 5 lbs makes a huge difference on my 5'4 frame. You look terrific. But you looked great before too! It's hard not to win when you are a pretty girl.
  • trannguyen2711
    well done!!!
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    You've made some terrific progress! One thing I admire about you is the way you look for good information, and apply it when you do find it.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I thought this was going to be a thread about lifting 5lb DBs.

    Nice work CG ;)
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    Great job!
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    5lbs is not small, especially when it is almost all fat that was lost. That alot of "size".

    I can tell a difference in most of your body structure (except face, cause I can't see your face in the newer pictures).

    Your calfs/shins are thinner, thighs are thinner, you waist is more sculpted, your shoulders are more defined...

    Just a great overall change in general.

    Awesome job!!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Yes! Huge difference!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Thank you everyone!

    eliskipp: I've been off and on doing this and that honestly. If I were to throw out a recommendation it would be "New Rules of Lifting". I'm thumbing through the "Supercharged" book at the moment. After you think you know a bit about forum I'd recommend stronglifts.

    BinaryPulsar: 3 dress sizes is awesome! I wish I started with strength training to begin with. I could only imagine what could have happened in size differences. My waist is a bit below 25 inches right now, can't imagine it'll get much smaller lol.

    Otterluv: Me neither! I mean I felt as if I got the numbers wrong when I checked out the time line with the Florida pictures and my weight at the time then and now. I mean really, that weight is not heavy, I didn't imagine there would be much difference in 5 pounds (and looking back seeing as how I am close to that weight now I can't believe I was muffin topping out of that lose pair of spandex).. When I get over this bug I'm definitely going full force to see what can happen. I felt like I didn't really have anywhere to go and I was getting nowhere but I was obviously getting somewhere.

    BondBomb: You have no idea how much I do not believe but appreciate that comment lol. Pretty is not something I'm usually called in person.

    ScatteredThoughts: Thanks! My friends are awesome :D

    DopeItUp: OUCH! You should know better :p

    craigmandu: Yeah, face pictures, I usually stay away from those. I don't think my face changed much. I still occasionally have my chubby face pictures (which I immediately dispose of lol). Face muscles are harder to firm up. I have terrible genetics. but here's a comparison:
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    It's defintely noticeable. Congratulations.:smile:
  • randyfugate
    randyfugate Posts: 10 Member
    Please change your internal dialogue and don't ever think or say to yourself "why puny weakling, why should I bother continuing to lift"

    A couple thoughts from a wonderful mentor, whose message has far exceeded his years. I speak of Napoleon Hill.

    "The most important thing is to pretend, as best you can, that something is true. This causes the unconscious mind to immediately create the reality".(This works both ways, a negative self image or negative internal dialogue, will produce negative results)

    And finally, "Success consists of a series of little daily victories". - Laddie F. Hutar-

    Please do yourself a favor and buy a copy of Napoleon Hill's "Keys to Positive Thinking" You can find them very inexpensively on Amazon and a variety of other sources.

    All the best, and here's to your current and future awesomeness!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    It's defintely noticeable. Congratulations.:smile:

    Thank you!

    And randyfugate, when words are said they have meaning from those who have said it. In my mind I'm not to bothered about my knowledge of the fact that I'm pretty weak. Though the sentence I said sounded pretty dramatic and defeated, it wasn't to emotional in my head. I'm not going to lie and say I'm strong. I'm progressing and getting there though, and could definitely beat past me up :happy:
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