I Seriously need help PLEASE!



  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    OK. You have set yourself a very unrealistic weight loss goal. I understand that you see this as a critical situation--you are moving to the beach, getting married, starting a business. These are all things that are in the short term & the methods you are focusing on to lose weight are also short term solutions--if you lose 5 lbs from a cleanse or from using a laxative, that is not a permanent solution. You are just going to gain that weight back. You really need to sit down with your doctor and a nutritionist to find a life plan to lose the weight & be healthy--that should be your ultimate goal. Your body is not going to continue to act like it did when you were 17. The older you get, the more things change.

    I think you are setting up a false sense of urgency. Calm down & look at things again. Your fiance knows that you have gained weight & loves you anyway. You are setting up a wedding dress business. Take this opportunity to learn what dress styles flatter your body now. I guarantee that all your customers won't be at their ideal weight & even if they are, they will still have things they dislike about their bodies--study different body types & how to dress them & start with yourself. Don't ruin your health over something like being able to fit into a wardrobe--take a trip to the thrift shop & find something that flatters the current you while you work on a permanent solution. I've found that even though I may be unhappy about where I am currently, having clothes that fit me well makes a huge difference in my day to day life. You may never fit into your old clothes. You may lose the weight & discover that you are now a different shape--that is all part of life--people aren't static & we wear our experiences on our bodies.
  • ReneeCedeno
    ReneeCedeno Posts: 12
    Yes, sweetie, you do need help. But not the type you are going to find online. Please print off this post and show it to your primary physician ASAP. Hopefully he will direct you to specialists who can provide you with the appropriate assistance.


    You have Crohn's disease and you are messing with laxatives and stuff?

    Your health is far more important than a number on a scale. You are doing possibly serious damage to your body in an attempt to lose weight.
    Excess cardio is not the answer. Too much exercise and not enough food will also have a negative impact on your body.

    ETA - are you using laxtative to lose weight? Or to treat your symptoms? I may have misunderstood.

    Either way, you need to talk to your doctor about this.

    I take them to help me go sometimes but now I take Colace like once everyday for 6 days. Colace is made for people with IBS
  • ReneeCedeno
    ReneeCedeno Posts: 12

    Also, keep in mind that the scale isn't always what determines weight loss. I would try measuring yourself instead.
    Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're working out then you might just be building muscle with it. Scales don't always tell the truth!

    thank you for the link. I will read it
  • ReneeCedeno
    ReneeCedeno Posts: 12
    I agree with seeing a nutritionist or doctor, and stopping the laxatives. You need to know what you can and can't eat.

    I want to comment on your weight goal though. 95lbs for a 5'0" person is almost underweight; I'm 5'0" myself. Take your weight loss slow, eat enough food, and exercise with with some regard for your body. Losing weight is about lifestyle change and it can be slow at times. The time frame and goal you have outlined is unrealistic.

    Crohn's is trail and error. Some days i can eat Broccoli and Chipotle and Kale and other days If I eat it, I might as was take a vacation timeshare on the toilet seat. There is is stuff i just cant eat at all.

    According to the BMI 5FT 144 pounds
    "Your BMI is: 28.1 (How is this calculated?)
    You are in the OVERWEIGHT weight range."

    "According to the BMI 5FT 95 pounds
    Your BMI is: 18.6 (How is this calculated?)
    You are in the NORMAL weight range."

    An underweight BMI is 18.5 and below. 18.6 is very, very close. This is the absolute bottom end of the normal weight range.

    Yea I know because after the wedding, I will be baby dancing so I figured I would gain weight but I don't want to gain to the point of where I am at right now.
  • ReneeCedeno
    ReneeCedeno Posts: 12
    OK. You have set yourself a very unrealistic weight loss goal. I understand that you see this as a critical situation--you are moving to the beach, getting married, starting a business. These are all things that are in the short term & the methods you are focusing on to lose weight are also short term solutions--if you lose 5 lbs from a cleanse or from using a laxative, that is not a permanent solution. You are just going to gain that weight back. You really need to sit down with your doctor and a nutritionist to find a life plan to lose the weight & be healthy--that should be your ultimate goal. Your body is not going to continue to act like it did when you were 17. The older you get, the more things change.

    I think you are setting up a false sense of urgency. Calm down & look at things again. Your fiance knows that you have gained weight & loves you anyway. You are setting up a wedding dress business. Take this opportunity to learn what dress styles flatter your body now. I guarantee that all your customers won't be at their ideal weight & even if they are, they will still have things they dislike about their bodies--study different body types & how to dress them & start with yourself. Don't ruin your health over something like being able to fit into a wardrobe--take a trip to the thrift shop & find something that flatters the current you while you work on a permanent solution. I've found that even though I may be unhappy about where I am currently, having clothes that fit me well makes a huge difference in my day to day life. You may never fit into your old clothes. You may lose the weight & discover that you are now a different shape--that is all part of life--people aren't static & we wear our experiences on our bodies.

    I went to college for Fashion Design. I am not making ANY dresses bigger than size 10 because I refuse to use 10 yards of fabric for ONE size 12 dress. I have a image problem and I am aware of that. I need to lose this weight because it is literally making my Crohn's disease worse. My colon isn't getting any better only worse so that is another reason for my urgency.

    I will fit my clothes again because I know how to buy my clothes (thanks college) I kind feel like you are telling me it is okay to be kind of fat, i don't care if my fiance loves my fat, I don't which in turns makes me unhappy.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    You need to talk to a doctor.
    You need to stop setting goals for yourself like that. I MUST be 95 pounds so I can FIT INTO A DRESS.
    It's just a dress, it's just one day. It's not worth your health.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    See a doctor or a nutritionist that knows how to cater a low calorie nutritious diet for someone while minimizing triggers for your disease. Seriously, no one here will know the answer for you, unless they have had experience with chrohns
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Why on earth must you be 95 lbs by July 1st?!

    You sound like you have messed up your metabolism quite fiercely. The combination of previously eating 800 calories while running twice daily has probably made the surgery/med-induced weight gain worse.

    Your body needs to heal. You cannot drop that weight by eating less and exercising more. You have to look at food as the thing that will allow your body to repair and to heal from everything that is wrong.

    If you were 100 lbs and suddenly gained 55 lbs, it is safe to say you have maybe 75-80 lbs of lean mass on your body... You should not be aiming to lose 5 lbs/week. You have lost 15 lbs in 6 weeks... that's HUGE! Weight loss isn't linear, so you shouldn't expect to see a) the same loss from week to week, or b) a loss every single week without sometimes staying the same or even seeing an upswing by a few ounces. It happens.

    Assuming you do only have about 85 lbs of lean mass (since you were only 100 lbs total before your surgery), your BMR should be somewhere around 1150 calories daily. Running 5-6 hours/week should have you burning around 2000 calories daily on average. So for you to lose weight in a healthy way, you should aim for about 1600 calories daily to lose a little over 3 lbs/month.

    I don't recommend you try doing it faster. You already have very low LBM compared with your overall body weight. Dieting quickly will burn more lean mass, which in turn makes you burn less overall calories every day and makes it even harder to eat or burn at all. Do it slowly. Eat 1600 calories every day, and try and get about 90-100g protein. Keep running if you like it, but reduce the running to 3 days a week and lift weights on the other 3 days and take a rest day.

    But whatever you do, stop with the laxatives... and I've done the Master Cleanse... that salt water flush is a bisch and will probably wreak havoc with your chrone's. Please don't do anything like that.


    Moving to the beach and going to get married soon. I am opening up my own wedding dress company so looking good in MY WEDDING DRESS is a MUST! 95 is a BMI of 18.6, which is still healthy. I am small person. I can barely reach anything that sits on the second shelf of any cabinet. lol 144.5 is bad.

    I had my surgery in 2012. I have had two Colonoscopies since then and the resection part has healed properly. Now I am just fat! lol My BMI is 28.1 which is just overweight. I was considered obese in March. They give you enemas (MOVIPREP) for the Colonoscopy so they can see all up in and around your colon and ileum. That makes me drop 5 pounds. I got a Colonscopy on the 25th and that morning before I got it, I was 139 pounds! So I can do the master cleanse because My intestines are use to the enemas. Lemons and pineapples actually help with inflammation. I can do the lemonade diet and eat pineapple once I am done the cleanse JUST INCASE I get any inflammation.

    I have a diary, so you all can see how I eat. Its not the healthiest because I can't eat the healthy stuff. It is saying my BMR is 1460 calories which is dead. I don't feel comfortable eating that many calories. That is a lot of calories! Adderall makes you want water and water only. I hate eating as I

    I am addicted to running. I love to run. I ran 6 miles yesterday. When I don't run I feel guilty

    Talk to a doctor. End of story. Just because you've had enemas does not mean you *should* have enemas on a regular basis. And all that stuff about hating eating and being addicted to running... you need more help than people on the internet can give you. Please go speak to a professional. You are seriously jeopardizing your health.