Looking for new people

tanyamg Posts: 30 Member
edited 4:02AM in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys... I am still looking to lose weight, but starting at a better place than I have before. I started off around 210lbs and now down to about 174. I deft. have my bad days still and crave junk food and desserts and then regret it after I run. I am a runner, finally did my first half marathon last year and another one before the year was up and I am a vegetarian. I have realized that my stomach is changing these days. Where I use to be able to down a bunch of coffee and any food and be okay, I find my stomach feels like a brink and I am always in the bathroom. So, I am still wanting to accomplish a marathon and continue to take better care of myself. I continue to need motivation sometimes and still needing to better myself eating.
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