Calories and Execise...hmmm?

MandyMay Posts: 59 Member
So i workout on the weekdays not on the weekends and use the weekends as my cheats because im a weekend drinker.So I dont eat my workout calories that i gain during the week.So far ive been losing weight pretty consistently.Im just curiouse is this a bad idea or not?


  • BlackBeltLife
    BlackBeltLife Posts: 180
    Not if its working. My thoughts are eventually you will have t modify this but if it's working now enjoy and keep up good work.
  • ydavyd
    ydavyd Posts: 15 Member
    you could do the math just to see where you are. Are you drinking alcohol? Some drinks are loaded with calories, some not.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    My only concern would be that you're depriving your body of stuff that it needs more of (because of the exercise) by spending your exercise calories on alcohol instead. It just doesn't have any nutritional value.
  • MandyMay
    MandyMay Posts: 59 Member
    Well i dont drink alot maybe 3glasses..and its usualy diet pepsi and rum...but after the drinks usualy eat something and its usualy fast food or restaurant foods....:laugh: