Artificial Sweeteners?



  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    I drink equivalent of a few cans of Diet coke or Coke zero or Pepsi max (whichever is available) per week, not sure which artificial sweeteners they use.

    Other than that, about half teaspoon of real sugar on my weetibx when I have them for breakfast - everything esle, - coffee etc - I just have unsweetened.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    My sweetener of choice is stevia in the raw. I've never noticed an after taste. I will use splenda occasionally as well.
  • Susan1711
    Susan1711 Posts: 4 Member
    I've studied sugars and artificial sweeteners for the last 3 years and had many conversations with a top food formulator and biochemist. I only use raw sugar or organic raw honey.. Anything artificial is very harmful to your body in the long run and all artificial sweeteners actually make you more hungry and hinder weight loss.. Even diabetics should use raw sugar as sweetener instead of artificial, if used in moderation and not often..
  • Garlicmash
    Garlicmash Posts: 208
    I've studied sugars and artificial sweeteners for the last 3 years and had many conversations with a top food formulator and biochemist. I only use raw sugar or organic raw honey.. Anything artificial is very harmful to your body in the long run and all artificial sweeteners actually make you more hungry and hinder weight loss.. Even diabetics should use raw sugar as sweetener instead of artificial, if used in moderation and not often..
    they are all chemicals and my poor daughter had a horrible reaction to a drink with sucralose in it, I no longer let her have anything with artificial sweeteners in them and it doesn't have to be diet to have them in.
    Most of the drink like squash have them in even though they are not the no added sugar ones.
    As i don't drink the drinks myself i didn't realise they was in them and made the stupid mistake of thinking the regular drinks had just normal sugar but was very wrong.

    Aspartame causes headaches and are trying to ban I understand and has been tested on human subjects including children and they still put it in the drinks they know our children will drink.
    I posted in a group what happened to my daughter and a few ppl replyed with the side affects they got from just sucralose,the other sweetener in the drink Acesulfame K turned out it's not even had any human testing but caused rats livers and kidneys to swell but is still added to drinks but they had spent the time to make the colours and flavours natural but the sweet taste is chemical...doesn't make sense.
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I use stevia sometimes
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    Stevia when I actually have to use a sweetener...nothing is best according to everything I've read and all the doctors I've asked (:
  • smirf1972
    smirf1972 Posts: 93 Member
    I won't touch most sweetners but have been considering truvia as it's a natural product made from the stevia plant. Most sweetners contain aspartame which is said to cause many things from headaches to epiletic seizures and cancer, i'm already epileptic so don't need any help in that department :laugh: splenda has sucrolose in it which i've heard is another name for aspartame(not sure about that but not gonna risk it) I'm about to use truvia myself as i have way too much sugar in my diet too.
  • najlaamundson
    najlaamundson Posts: 46 Member
    This is really interesting topic. I drink Crystal Light - not full strength... I add just a bit to my 20 oz water bottle to give it some flavor. I find I can get all my water in if I do that. But I worry about the artificial sweetener in that too.

    The only other sugar I've been using recently is raw sugar - a 1/2 tsp in my cappuccino - that I make at home.

    Any thoughts on Crystal Light?
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    stevia for sugar substitute and agave for baking/honey substitute
  • Medic911ETH
    Medic911ETH Posts: 31 Member
    I have found Xylitol to be more than adequate as a substitute. No aftertaste I have been able to detect, you can use it anywhere you would use sugar (except when you are making food where yeast is needed as Xylitol will not "feed" the yeast), and it seems to also combat tooth decay.

    I use it frequently in coffee, and I have used it in homemade granola.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    If you want to put some in your tea or coffee or oats, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing so. You won't get sick, you won't get cancer and you certainly won't get fat.

    Unless you happen to have an intolerance, allergy or however you want to define it, to them. I cannot take Splenda (sucralose). If I do, even so little as a piece of Trident gum, I will have what my oncologist has described as "rip the muscle off the bone' leg cramping that night. It only happens when I ingest sucralose. Never any other time. And it is brutal. I avoid sucralose like the plague.

    So, sorry. But your blanket statement that there is absolutely nothing wrong with artificial sweeteners and absolutely nothing can/will happen to you if you ingest them, is wrong.
  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    I genuinely think that cutting out artificial sweeteners has been as beneficial to my diet as cutting down on sugar and saturated fat. I think cravings come from the chemicals you put in your body. The more you eat it, the more artificial stuff you want. The only time I have any real desire to eat junk is when a social situation calls for it. Apart from that I never find myself going down to the shop to buy biscuits and sweets any more. I think cutting out the artificial stuff as much as possible has been a massive change for me, but of course it affects everyone differently.

    Also, I've been using a natural sweetener xylitol which I really like!
  • Alexandra289
    Alexandra289 Posts: 330 Member
    If you want to put some in your tea or coffee or oats, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing so. You won't get sick, you won't get cancer and you certainly won't get fat.

    Unless you happen to have an intolerance, allergy or however you want to define it, to them. I cannot take Splenda (sucralose). If I do, even so little as a piece of Trident gum, I will have what my oncologist has described as "rip the muscle off the bone' leg cramping that night. It only happens when I ingest sucralose. Never any other time. And it is brutal. I avoid sucralose like the plague.

    So, sorry. But your blanket statement that there is absolutely nothing wrong with artificial sweeteners and absolutely nothing can/will happen to you if you ingest them, is wrong.

    This is interesting to see. I used to get bad cramp in my calves during the night very often (so unbelievably painful!). Had it for the first time the other night and realised that I hadn't had it at all recently. Then I wondered if it was something to do with my food as that evening I'd been out with friends eating pizza, chocolate and sweets for the first time in ages. Definitely something to do with what I'd been eating I'm sure!