Female Heavy Lifting Newb :D Please Help!

Hi all :)

I've lost about 48 pounds over the past two years (Went from 190 to 142). I've currently given up on my current workout as I've been doing the same thing and it's really getting me no further tbh.

I really want to lose fat and build some lean muscle. I've been a member of two gyms, done the Insanity programme twice over and tbh at this stage I'm getting sick of cardio :yawn: I can do it, I've been doing it for a long time but I want something new.

In both gym where I specified that I wanted to to build muscle (curiously) in both places they put me on similar programmes lifting light dumbbells repetitively. Initially it worked, but right now it does nothing for me.

I've been hearing things about heavy lifting? I'm curious as I can say that I've never seen any woman lift heavy in either of the gyms I was a member of.

Could you all tell me of your stories? :) And maybe give me some tips and advice about exercises to do? Also on that note, what kind of diet should I be eating for this? How many calories etc.

Thanks! :bigsmile:


  • mjzzz
    mjzzz Posts: 6 Member
    Lift heavy only really means pushing yourself, you can start with a good program like starting strength or SL. I would also suggest reading this http://www.amazon.com/New-Rules-Lifting-Women-Goddess/dp/1583333398
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    I've read this book and started a new programme 3wks ago. I have noticed a difference in appearance and how my clothes fit already. Haven't been game enough yet to get on the scales because I know that muscle weighs more than fat for equal volumes. Feeling great though, had to go out and buy some heavier dumbells :-)
  • Babarrosa1
    Babarrosa1 Posts: 98 Member
    I've read this book and started a new programme 3wks ago. I have noticed a difference in appearance and how my clothes fit already. Haven't been game enough yet to get on the scales because I know that muscle weighs more than fat for equal volumes. Feeling great though, had to go out and buy some heavier dumbells :-)

    Ohh congratulations on your progress :)

    Just purchased it on my kindle and I'm having a read now :) it's a really interesting read so far. How are you eating? (if you don't mind me asking!)
  • Babarrosa1
    Babarrosa1 Posts: 98 Member
    Lift heavy only really means pushing yourself, you can start with a good program like starting strength or SL. I would also suggest reading this http://www.amazon.com/New-Rules-Lifting-Women-Goddess/dp/1583333398

    Thanks, just got it on my kindle and having a read now :bigsmile:
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I lift heavy 3 times per week and do minimal cardio. I have lost 45 lbs and put on 12 lbs of muscle in the past year. I have lost 4 dress sizes as well.

    Heavy lifting will give you relatively quick results...but I would suggest taking your measurements because you often retain water in your muscles so you may not initially seem like you are losing when you really are. I had lost several inches when I first started but no weight and was getting frustrated but I did my measurements and realized I had been losing.
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    There are as a lot of groups here on MFP that follow The New Rules! Also you can type in NRWLFW in the forum search and find a ton of different tips also!
    Good luck on your weight loss and fitness journey!
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Lifting heavy (resistance training with emphasis on compound movements- like squats, deadlifts, bench press etc) changed my body DRAMATICALLY.

    I hate cardio (though I am trying REALLY hard to get into it!!!)

    I posted about this a few months ago... though I've made a TON of progress since then (and I've been lifting between 3-5 times/week) with a few weeks off here and there.


    I am currently doing the NASM PT certification program and I'm finishing a dietetics degree- so please let me know if you have any questions! :-) I LOOOOOVE to hear a woman say she wants to lift (not putting down cardio- it is VITALLY important to heart and lung health, though I get in a lot of cardio with circuit training!)