On an 8 week weightloss challenge

DianePK Posts: 122 Member
Hi all,
I joined an 8 week fitness challenge through my gym, and it coincides with a trip to Paris, where I want to be fit and svelt. I have a lot more weight to lose than what I can lose in 8 weeks, but at least it is a start.

I was using the weightwatchers online tools but they don't really work for me and the points system is fine if you keep paying the money and using it, but I wanted to know the calorie value of all the foods I eat as well as the calories I burn through my strict exercise regime.

I have a few things that hold me back, the first being a recurring knee problem. (Acl reconstruction failure) as well as some medication that I take causing weight gain, so I am really facing uphill battle (both if these let to the weight gain. Will. S drinking too much wine in the evenings, then snacking). But I am determined and dedicated to not let these get in my way.

So far I have lost about 2 kilos (although only a few hundred grams while on the challenge), which is frustrating, but I think I. Am building muscle as well. I have cut out bread and pasta completely, and very few carbs. I also cut out alcohol entirely for the8 weeks. Will be plenty to drink in Paris.

So that's the long and short if it, looking. Forward to getting to know other people working on their goals for weight loss too.

Diane x