Positivity tonight :)

I just wanted to give a little bit of positivity to a few of you who may be feeling skeptical of this weight loss adventure that lies ahead of you. When I started MFP, I didn't have one single friend, I lost a few pounds by being dependent on my hubby's successes with weight loss and his positive attitude towards this whole thing. He always knew how to make me smile and make me remember why I was doing this. Now, it's your turn to find that one person or that one item that gives you the boost you need to make it through.
My first week was the hardest, I tracked every single food that went into my mouth despite the difficulty of recipe building and I lost 7 pounds in 7 days. I ate 1300 calories and I conquered big time. Than I introduced exercise into my daily routine which isn't easy when you have a new baby. I lost 10 pounds that week...10 pounds in 7 days. Unfortunately, right after that, I fell off the wagon and never jumped back on completely, I mean-I was on but, my feet were hanging off.
I lost a total of 40 pounds doing calorie counting and walking every day. I was so proud.
I decided to take it to the next step and joined weight watchers. Now, I am counting points and following that program- I have seen 5 more pounds melt off and now I am ready to introduce exercising into my daily routine yet again.
Here I am 4 and a half months after finding this website and I feel so blessed and so happy to have the friends that I have.

I guess the point that I am trying to make is: DO NOT GIVE UP! You may think "this is too hard" or "what's the point". Nothing is TOO HARD, it just takes time to get to a certain level of readiness... if you think that you are ready, please by all means- take the next step and face all of your fears head first and don't stop. Don't give in to the rude people who are so ignorant and say "stupid" things about your weight loss, it's not worth it. Don't allow people to not be there for you, include people who want to be there and share your successes with caring family and your amazing group of MFP friends on here. I have such an awesome group of friends that keep me going without a doubt and I like to think that I have the same affect on them!

Do something for not me but, yourself. Look in the mirror and learn to love that body. You are you and you are special. You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are worth this. You have potential. Don't forget that. You CAN DO THIS!

Sorry for the rambling but, I am sure that at least one person tonight needed to read this and get a little bit of motivation, please by all means add me for the extra support.


  • UrnAsh
    UrnAsh Posts: 207 Member
    Awesome post. :) I have had doubts of weigh loss and sometimes I feel bad at the end of the day but I realized if sitting and doing nothing caused me to gain weight then getting up and doing something will help me lose it.
  • sgsill
    sgsill Posts: 9
    Do something for not me but, yourself. Look in the mirror and learn to love that body. You are you and you are special. You are beautiful. You are amazing. You are worth this. You have potential. Don't forget that. You CAN DO THIS!

    That statement there is probably the biggest and best piece of information anyone trying to lose weight needs to hear, and know. Yes, trying to lose weight to be able to play with my kids more, but it benefits me as well. It wasn't until I reached out to a personal trainer (who I don't train with) for advise and it made more sense. I can do this, I deserve to lose this weight and be healthy. Thank you for your post.