bdd help?

this is basically a self diagnosis but i feel like i have some form of body dysmorphic disorder... im 5"6 and 128 lbs and athletic, i know i'm not overweight, but whenever i look in the mirror i am critical of everything i see. it's beyond "seeing past it," everytime i see my reflection i can't help but focus on how huge and gross i look and feel. i try not to talk about it with anyone, the few people i have shared this struggle with have tried to assure me that i am a normal size and perfectly fine, but i don't believe them. obviously if there was a mental issue i wouldnt' be able to see the truth (if it even is the truth!) but i completely cannot believe that i'm normal. i feel like i'm overweight and there's nothing i can do to fix it. the reason i'm writing now is because i've been tracking my food for a year, and i've lost some weight, but now i've started to avoid going out with friends because i'm self conscious about the way i eat and i feel like they'll judge me for it. does anyone know if this fits the profile for BDD or if i'm just nuts? any feedback would be appreciated... thank you!


  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    You fit the profile. And it's a dangerous condition if not treated. I wish I had the skills and credentials to help you, but I can urge you to seek out someone that does. Don't wait, you are already at the low end of healthy for your weight.
  • Jennikitten
    Jennikitten Posts: 142 Member
    wether this fits the profile or not you are obviously not happy and it is effecting your whole life. You need to speak to someone (family/friend/doctor) now before you put yourself through any more pain.

    I also feel that it is important for you to realise that people judge themselves more harshly than anyone else will, your friends would be too busy worry what you think of their eating habits as to think about yours.