How did you determine your maintenance/fat loss calories?

bryann9182 Posts: 22 Member
I know it's mostly by trial and error, but what calorie calculators or tools did YOU use that gave you the most accurate results? Reason why I'm asking is because most calorie calculators say ~1,850 calories a day to lose fat (even with excercise) for me and that's what I have been doing. However, I feel like I'm losing a bit too much mass as well so I might add 150 calories back in to my day


  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Your Body determines its maintenance weight. Once you have reached you goal weight RANGE. Do your normal activity, then you begin to add calories back into your diet at 50 or 100 say every 2 weeks. When your weight stabilizes (been at a weight range for 4-6 weeks) that is your maintenance wt. If, say in the future you reduce your activity, you will need to reduce your caloric intake. Other than this method is all conjecture.