Cheat Day?

So I have read a few posts about having a "cheat" day and I was curious as to how many people actually do have one.....Do you have one day where you eat what you want (within reason)? If so how does this effect your weight loss if at all?

I posted a week ago about whether people eat specific foods only or whatever they want. Overwhelmingly it was whatever you want within calorie limits but I am struggling with that-I feel so guilty if I don't eat the low fat healthy choice! I mean I want hot wings sometimes..the real thing...not the created kind that I have been adding to my diet (you know chicken breast in hot wing sauce smile) but I know that is just wrong on so many levels!!!

Then I got frustrated last week with my weigh in I lost 3 pounds in two weeks. I posted that too and I did feel more motivated after reading the responses but yet and still here I sit frustrated again...

I feel like I need help before I give up all together! I am so proud of my 18 pounds so I know I don't want to do that just yet...but the urge does hit me sometimes!


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    There are no cheat days. This is it. This is the rest of your life. DEAL WITH IT. If you want to eat it, go out and earn the calories to eat it. Don't call it a cheat day. Why put a negative connotation on the way you live your life?

    Not sayin... just sayin. It bugs me when people call it a cheat day. It's just another day of life full of choices of what you put in your body to fuel it. Are you going to put the best darn stuff you can in your ferrari or are you going to treat it like a clunker?
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    I don't have cheat days. I try not to eat the stuff and have forbid my husband to bring junk food in the house (out of site-out of mind for me). If I must have something ...I go the extra mile, burn the extra calories and earn it.

    I have found though that most of the time I don't need it. Now that I am eating healthier and excerising regularly, I don't even crave the junk I used too (even PMS cravings are rare these days.)
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    I have cheat meals, and have had them this entire time. But its only once a week.

    This is life and if you want this to be a realistic way to live the rest of your life, you have to learn moderation. It is not realistic to say to yourself "I will never eat ....... again." That will just make you bitter and resent the diet and thats why people dont stick to their life style changes.

    Life is way to short to not be able to enjoy good foods, eat some wings (but not often and not too many) =)
  • nikiamn
    nikiamn Posts: 4
    I have cheat days! I limit myself to one day a week. But it's eating whatever I want, as long as I stay under my calorie goal. If I go over, I limit it to 100 calories over, and I make sure I burn it off that day or the next day. Or, I burn extra calories ahead of time so I can look forward to enjoying my treat without feeling guilty. It keeps me motivated to keep going! I mean, who doesn't have cravings once in a while? If you don't satisfy that urge just a little bit, it'll be easier to fall off the wagon. Sometimes you can have your cake and eat it, too. :)
  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    Well, I've been reading up on this. I started a program with Jillian Michaels online. According to her program work out extremely hard. Try and stay within 1200 - 1400 calories a day depending on your body. For example, if you are at 1200 calories a day, eat your 1200 calories a day plus your exercise calories. Every day with one day of a higher amount of calories say 1300 to 1400. This kick starts your matabolism. It keeps your body guessing. This is what I have been doing. I work out every day 7 days a week. Burning around 300 calories everyday. Staying with in my calorie goal. Then on Fridays, my family and I go out to eat. And I eat a little bit more then my 1200 calories. I don't go out of control, but I do eat a little bit more then normal and it is working GREAT.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I don't have "cheat days" but I still eat whatever I want - I just eat smaller portions. Today I went to Red Robin for lunch, and because I had a healthy breakfast and dinner and worked out a little more than usual, I didn't go over my calorie goal for the day. I still have junk food in the house (my husband has a huge sweet tooth) but it doesn't bother me becuase I chose not to let it .... and after a while my body got so used to not eating junk that if I do eat it, I get really sick. That's a motivator for me, I HATE feeling sick.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :flowerforyou: This is a new lifestyle for me, not a temporary detour. The more I stay with healthy eating, the less I am attracted to non healthy foods......I know how they don't satisfy my body's nutritional needs and thus won't satisfy my hunger.......We went on vacation recently far from computers and MFP so I gave myself a vacation from logging food and exercise. My first thought was to eat whatever I wanted, then I was aware of how unsatisfying it would be and stuck to my regular healthy eating.....cheating is never the road to success
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Don't have "Cheat Days" BUT go ahead and have a "Cheat Meal" at least once a week. It really doesn't hurt if your staying within your calorie range. If you happen to go over, don't sweat it. Just workout and sweat it out there!:drinker:
  • MandyMay
    MandyMay Posts: 59 Member
    Alright...IM A CHEATER!!! What can i say!!! the temptations of wings,pizza whatever are always gonna be there(well for me anyways) Right know i workout 4-5 times a week m-friday with sat. sun. off...I dont eat my exercise calories through the week,i save them for the weekend. i then use one (sat. or sun.) as my cheat day.I feel if i dont have a cheat day i migh just go insane one day and give up and eat everything in far its working for me...lost 18 lbs in a month and a if i plateau obviously i will mix things up....just wanted ya to know what i of luck to ya!!:flowerforyou:
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I think tkrall gave the best explanation for a "cheat" day, though like so many others, I don't like the negative connotation associated with the word. Why not call it a "reward" day? Since it is about the rest of our lives, most people can't be harsh taskmasters of themselves for an extended period of time (otherwise, why would we be here?). So factoring in "rewards" shouldn't be frowned upon, because it can help stave off the "I quit" attitude. Having sais that, I want to reiterate the concept of PLANNING. Plan the foods, the exercise, and the day. It doesn't have to be every week, just what works best for you. Good question.
  • Briannah
    Briannah Posts: 50
    I can't have what some call a cheat day, because I would really struggle. I need to be very disciplined otherwise I end up totally losing control. I don't think they are a bad thing but I do think it depends on your personality :) I am a very all or nothing kind of person, and I think a cheat day would put me off. But there are others I know who swear by it and its good for making your metabolism jolt every now and again!
  • Kath15
    Kath15 Posts: 165 Member
    I don't have a designated cheat day. If I really just want to indulge a bit, I fit it into my calorie limit for the day as best as I can or make up for it through exercising. -The latter usually being the case. But, I do understand how people feel the need to have one of those days. Even though this is a lifestyle change, I don't believe that people have to completely give up the foods that they love. It's all about moderation. Otherwise, I think that some people begin to resent this 'deprivation' and are more prone to giving up this new lifestyle. So, if it's wings that you want...go ahead and enjoy them. Just know that you probably cannot do it that often and know when one more wing is one too many. And, congrats on losing 18lbs! You should be proud of yourself so don't give up because you haven't completely figured out the 'balance' that works for you.
  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    Whether we call it cheat or splurge? It's all the same.. Everyone has one at one time or another and my husband and I have one every week and it's not a graze all day.. It is 1 meal, I time a week.. Our entire lives will consist of having days where we are tempted, forced, no other choices, our special food being unavailable and so on.....While I'm sure we won't be eating carrot sticks and celery forever, we feel that we are learning that we can eat something we would like to eat and not feel bad about it. We have also learned to control the want's with the need's.. After that 1 meal we know that in 1 more week we can have what we desire and not stress all week about NOT being able to have something we want. Also we don't go home and get mad at ourself and just say "oh well I blew it and now I'm going to eat because I'm guilty...Our next meal we are right back to where we need to be. Happy and feeling refreshed..We all got to where we are today by basically eating way too much!! We feel what not a better way then to learn to eat what we want, within the NORMAL portion guidlines..We travel alot and unfortunatly we have to eat out alot. So far we have learned a few thing's from our old habit's and have changed them to new one's. Our choices are also more thought about and it is something we are proud to say we have started to do..Hey today we realized we don't even need dessert. We have not been affected weight wise by this meal so as of now we will keep it. Isn't our entire life all about learning??
  • caramel827
    caramel827 Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you for all of the replies. I learned something from each of them..I will continue to find that balance in order to work for me. I truly do appreciate all of the information-there was a lot I had not thought about! :)
  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
    Thats the reason we are all on here.. To all learn from each other and gain way more then any of us can do alone!! Wishing the best to everyone.