Trying this again!

Hi everyone! My name is Robin and I used MFP last year to lose 30 pounds. Before that I had used Weight Watchers to lose 20 pounds. It seems like every time I change my lifestyle, I am able to keep it up for 6 months and then something happens where I stray and gain back even more than I started with! I am now at my heaviest weight and feeling terrible. Last year my boyfriend had changed his lifestyle with me using MFP but once he stopped eating healthy, I found it harder and harder to keep going alone. I know that my biggest downfall is not measuring and not logging! I am looking for support to keep logging and to give support back! I know I cannot keep going without being supported and supporting others because I need accountability! Please add me if you need or want to give support, I will be very thankful!


  • MrsKerin1
    MrsKerin1 Posts: 1
    Hi my name is Holly, and four months ago I started losing some of the weight I needed to lose, and then unexpectedly I broke my leg and my foot, and have been leading an inactive lifestyle since. My sister has had much success with MFP and recommended it to me. I like you have no body in my house that eats healthy, and I find it very difficult to keep up with the healthy choices. I also need some support and encouragement. Perhaps we could help each other continue down the healthy pathway. Good luck to you, and with your past successes, you seem determined and strong.
  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    That's pretty much the same story I have. Last last year, gained back after I stopped logging, now I'm at it again. Friend request sent :)