Time to find the tall skinny woman that was stuffed into thi

We have been discussing and putting this off for a long time now with age and possible medical issues, here it is facing us down, we are determined to win the weight battle. I do enjoy working out we are in a location with no gym and lots of heat so I don't go outside very much ~ wimp~ Thankfully we have some wonderfully fun Wii games that have been working wonders for us..Hopefully this is the first step on the right path..




  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    Good Luck! You'll find portion control is the best thing. Once you learn this, you are on your way. It took me forever, and I still have bad days. But, working out is always a plus. Sounds like you are ready to go!! I wish you luck!!
  • ajswriter
    ajswriter Posts: 117 Member
    Wii games are helpful--tennis is the best for your arms! :) Welcome!
  • Briannah
    Briannah Posts: 50
    I have been enjoying some WII games too :) especially a cardio boxing one that is so fun!!! all the best with your weight loss goals!
  • Jennifer195
    Thanks everyone for the wonderful encouragement and advice, I need all I can get. All idea are always welcome =)
  • dan1981football
    dan1981football Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, i've just started too ( the middle age spread was starting :drinker: )

    Wii games are brilliant... i dont know about you but i'm going to try and change my lifestyle, like walk to the shop instead drive and find any excuse to walk somewhere.. Plus i want to start playing football agin, i used to love it when i was younger so want to start again.. Maybe try doing a physical hobby you use to like doing at school, running, tennis badminton etc..

    Plus get rid of the cakes and crisps in your house..!! That hopefully will stop any late night bingeing..!!

    Good luck :smile: