Do I REALLLLLY have to excercise?



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Unless you want to be skinny fat, have no muscles or strength, then yes, you have to. But, no one is holding a gun to your head, making you do it. Also, let me just point out... if you're not exercising, but staying within your calories and haven't lost weight, your diet needs tweaking.

    - Less sodium, more water
    - More veggies & fruits
    - Eat all your protein
    - Eat enough fiber
    - Ratios should be 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fat
    - Fiber should be set at 25g.

    Very well said. You can lose weight dieting alone but if you want to lose fat then I recommend some exercise as well :)
  • jenuwine
    jenuwine Posts: 57
    WOW th you so much everyone for your responses. with regarding to 'staying under my 1200 limit' I hate when I put my thingies into MFP and the font goes RED cause I've gone I shouldnt worrry bout that? you all think I should eat more??? I'll give that ago - but as suggested I'll 'eat more' wisely by adding more vegies into the diet.
    I'll also try the min 30 mins excerice per day. I have a treadmill so I'll walk fast on that while I watch TV :-) then I'll do streches and balance ball sit ups etc for a further 10 mins for toning.

    On a mission! once again thanks so much - I'll report back to let you all know how I go :smile: :wink:
  • bubbie
    bubbie Posts: 8
    Yes, exercise, especially aerobic and weight training is necessary to building muscle and increasing cardiovascular health. Naturally, if you are new to working out you must get clearance from your physician first. Good luck! Your body will love you for it!
  • briannak14
    briannak14 Posts: 2
    Excersize is crucial