Weight gain?

I have been working out using the jilian michaels DVD series. She works you out really hard. I have been doing this for about a week or so. My weight has gone up but my scale says my percent body fat is down about one point as is my BMI. My muscle percent is up a point. Could this happen in one week? Also I have been feeling really bloated since I started. Could my body be holding on to water since I'm working out harder? Just wondering why I feel so bloated if I'm working out more?


  • jlfoster0427
  • Viva81Diva
    Viva81Diva Posts: 148
    It could just be water retention. When you touch the bloat, does it feel squishy like in your muscles or more soft like fluff? If it is fluffy, it could be hormones doing that to you. It's always good to drink a little more water with both.

    Also, have you taken a rest day yet? If not, then definitely do so. That could be why the scale is up, too.

    What about food? Have you upped your fiber and/or protein? If so, drink an extra glass or two each day and see how that works.

    It's nothing to worry about really. As long as your measurements go down then you should be good to go. :)