Newly committed

Hello all, looking for friends for mutual support and accountability! Recently diagnosed with PCOS, and not quite sure what this will have in store for me. Would like to find people to talk to about PCOS experiences and success, and perhaps weight loss tips. I have used this site before, but never regularly. 2013 MUST be my year to commit to a healthier life! Very nervous about all the change going on in my life and the changes to come, even those with a positive outcome.


  • bexyando
    bexyando Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Abby,

    Me too, I have just been prescribed metformin, hubby is picking it up from Boots tomorrow for me, so I will start taking it then (actually on Wednesday as i'm off to watch Beyonce tomorrow night, yey!).

    As far as weight is concerned I have lost 19 pounds so far, it seems to be a very very long process but hey as long as I get there in the end, I was also told I have an under active thyroid whilst having blood tests at the fertility clinic and have to go for a thyroid function test in 5 weeks, so i'm sure I will be popping some other pills soon enough... sigh!

    Anywho, I will happily give you as much support as you like :) been on here for 125 (I think) days now and it really helps me stay on track, aside from my weekends haha but i'm getting better!