needing some encouragement and strength...

Okay, so this doesn't have that much to do with my weight, but I really just need a moral boost. Currently it is 5:00 am and I have been "cracked out" on coffee all night cleaning my house for nothing better to do. My husband is coming home in a week for his "break" from Kuwait, and my mother-in-law has decided to crash my fun by showing up before he arrives. So now I am totally stressed, and pulling my hair out with my two year old. I was super excited to show off that I have dropped 20 lbs since he last saw me, but starting to get really down on myself because I havn't seen the scale move in over three weeks. I feel like my emotions are on high spin in the blender. I want to be happy about my hubby returning home, but I am ashamed to say I am slightly regreting the time has come, simply because there are goals that I had wanted to attain before he came home; one of them being my weight (I had really hoped that in 6 months I would have been able to lose 40-50lbs, and not just 20) any advice, guidence, or simply mood lifting pep talks would be appreciated...thanks


  • ablykins
    ablykins Posts: 200 Member
    Dear Katie,

    You are amazing!! 20 pounds in 6 months is amazing (and healthy) and your hubby will be floored! As a military spouse myself, I know that spinning feeling before your spouse returns home from deployment- the excitement, the stress, and the pressure! Just know that you being there waiting for him is the best sight your husband will see, and the weight that you have lost is just icing on the cake. While you may yet have goals you are striving for, don't sell yourself short and overlook what you have accomplished as a single mom during his time away. You have accomplished a lot and there is still time to push for more goals but don't get caught up in "should"! Enjoy the reunion and relish in the time together!
  • Kmill217
    Kmill217 Posts: 204

    I'm currently in Korea right now waiting for my mid-tour leave to see my wife. I've seen her twice in the past 13 months. It's exhausting, frustrating, stressful and flat out demoralizing. But guess what! I'm still alive. And there is more to life than the body image- My wife is pregnant, and the last thing I'm thinking about is how she is going to look when I go home in September. Honestly, that woman could gain 100 pounds before i'd flinch, and mainly just because its unhealthy! See, you did great!!! 20 lbs is a LOT! And you have a 2 year old, come on- how many women do you know would have made all the excuses in the world if they were in your shoes right now. Half of them wouldn't even been able to meet half of that. You managed to lose twenty pounds, take care of your 2 year old, and manage not only your responsibilities but your husbands too. Trust me, i hear it from my wife everrrry day how stressful it is just trying to manage a pregnancy let alone everything else. You should feel on top of the world, not just because you lost 20 lbs. But because you are apart of the elite few who call themselves a military spouse. So, yes- take in those feelings because they're normal. But I assure you- better things are to come in future! You just have to stay at it, and stay positive!!!!
  • RWilliams_Fit
    RWilliams_Fit Posts: 81 Member
    Hey girl, #1 CONGRATS!!!!!! 20LBS IS AWESOME!! (im jealous) and for the scale not moving for 3 weeks, well sometimes plateaing is something you cannot avoid BUT can be broken through. and what sucks about it is to break through it you gotta work like a million times harder (or so it seems) to get outta it (but since you have already dropped 20 its obvious u got what it takes :]) i have no clue what your hubby or you are really like but i bet he is disapointed his mom is there too, im sure he wants to see her just not first thing! keep ya head up and keep smiling, remember you lost the 20 for YOU as well as your family :) good luck
  • kbcrog08
    kbcrog08 Posts: 9
    thank you, (when I complain about something to my hubby he just teases me and tells me to drink water :laugh: ) I am very glad I found this site, thanks for the upper- inside I know your right, I know my hubby is just going to be happy to see me and his little boy, and everything else is "icing" I geuss I just needed to hear someone else confirm it, thanks again, and now I am going to try to catch a wink before said two year old wakes up for the day, lol.
    btw- enjoy your own time off and getting to see your new addition, I hope september comes quickly for you, hooah!
  • sjpaddock
    sjpaddock Posts: 16 Member
    M husband is currently in Korea, and I a hoping to lose 40 lbs by the time he comes home.
    I kinda hit a down the last week, and what motivates me is thinking about surprising him with the new me. :)
    I got my coorker to make me go to the gym with he, so that helps.
    I am sure those 20 pounds will look a like a lot more to him than to you at the moment.
    You could just ask your mother in law to watch your child so you can spend some more time in the gym and relax. You will feel a lot better i you get to spend just a few hours relaxing and try not to think about it.
    It might sound stupid, but to the people around you it makes a world of a difference if you are stressed or not, even if you try to hide it.
    Just try to focus on how happy you will be when you get to hug your husband again. :)
  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    First of all, thank you and your husband, for giving up everything you have given up to fight for our country! Such a sacrifice both of you have made for us!!! Then, 20lbs is awesome! Everyone looses weight differently. You can't compare your numbers to someone elses. The big picture is, YOU LOST 20LBS, the healthy way. Another way you could look at it, you didn't gain 20lbs while he was gone like I am sure I would because my nerves would be shot worrying about him. Keep your chin up, and keep up the great job you are doing!
  • Kmill217
    Kmill217 Posts: 204
    haha YES!

    Favorite army saying, "drink water, drive on"

    Thats a philosophy no one on this website should be able to dispute! AKA "Just keep pressing play."