Do you need motivation?

I heard YOU were looking for motivation.... you are looking on each thread to see if you find some sort of trigger that shoots a blast of motivation into your brain. Are you finding it? I didn't think so!
You have to find what motivates you inside of your own mind, own soul and own body.

While going through this journey, you should remember a few things.
1) You are absolutely beautiful no matter what size or shape you are.
2) Losing weight takes time and you mustn't give up
3) You are amazing and you have what it takes to conquer the odds and doubts that you or someone else has about this weight loss
4) You can do this with or without support
5) You are absolutely beautiful no matter what size or shape you are.

I am on WW and exercise twice a week- do you think that I have wonderful weight loss only moving twice a week? nope! I am "content" with my weight loss but, I would LOVE to lose more. I am shooting for working out four times a week and eating extra healthy! I find motivation in my daughter's eyes, my fiancés eyes and the lady in the mirrors eyes. All 6 of those beautiful eyes tell me a different story. My daughter's eyes tell me that she looks up to me, wants to be just like me and will succeed at everything she does... "Just like mommy". In my fiancés eyes, he looks at me as though he needs me forever and always and he needs a healthy me, not just a "content" me. The eyes of the woman in the mirror hold disgust, anger and sadness for the way that things have gotten o her body. I feel sorrow as I look into those eyes because she is so unsatisfied with the way that she looks.

That's my motivation and that's the way that I feel. How do you feel? Write down what other's eyes tell you as you look into them, write down why weight loss is important to you and write down why it's so important to be healthy- those will give you motivation and inspiration. As for the support area, I am always just a click away. I give out my phone number to people who want to talk on the phone or on text daily... I message people daily... I post daily and I track my WW food on paper daily. I am a very motivated person who is in this for the kill.... if you are this way as well but, just need a kick in the rear, a pat on the back or someone to talk to- My name is Paige and I am here :) 95 more pounds to go until goal and I WILL reach it.... you can too!
