Just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia



  • Paganrosemama
    Paganrosemama Posts: 86 Member
    I have fibro also- not on any meds though except the occasional alieve. I found that high soduim or processed foods intensify my fibro flare ups, and weather can also be a big factor for me. very light exercise often helps my pain from getting worse...
  • Jaqua2
    Jaqua2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ya, I am 29 and I have Fibromyalgia along with other illnesses:-

    - Fibromyalgia (diagnosed 18 months)
    - Depression
    - Personality Disorders
    - Eating Disorders
    - Anxiety & Stress
    - IBS
    - Tennis Elbow
    - Arthritis
    - Migraines
    - Acid Reflux
    - Texidor Twinge
    - Folliculitis
    - Hidradenitis Suppurativa
    - Other conditions I don’t want to disclose

    I am on 20-25 tablets a day, but never heard of Cymbalta and to be honest I am 100% sure I am not on the best medication as I suffer 24/7 and life seems unbearable. I have decided to try and loose weight. (used to be 30 stone) about 8 years ago. I never done any exercise to loose weight, only diet. With my health conditions I am in agony and I pull muscles easily. I have suffered from Tennis elbow in both arms for over a year (nothing extreme only carrying a bag and stretching!!!) I have had a number of Corticosteroid injections in my arms, luckily my left arm seems to be fine now but my right is terrible and I am waiting to see a surgeon as I cannot use this arm at all. I have tried exercises like Zumba and now I cannot even get into the pool to start swimming. The only thing I seem to be able to do is brisk walking but then again I am still in pain all over even doing that. I try and exercise but my body is really restricting me and I don't want to be a cripple! :( I push myself to work full time and commute and I really wish I was rich enough to just stop working. I currently pay private Osteopath to give me massage, acupuncture and really is helping me. I hope once my right arm is kinda fixed I can start low impact exercise like swimming... I definitely need to do exercise as well as diet or I’ll be a slim unfit person instead of a fat unfit person. Would be nice to make some new friends on here as I am new to the condition and I haven’t ‘learnt to live with it’ yet :’( xoxoxo <3
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I waas diagnosed with FM about 8 years ago, after a motorcycle crash that happened 9 years ago.

    At first I was bad off, took a couple of drugs that were prescribed. Over time I just kept trying different things and keeping what worked and scrapping what didn't. Today I take no meds and feel almost normal -- I just have a slight 'something' feeling in my neck & shoulder trigger points. If I am not careful I get a flare but it has been over a year now.

    For me it is important not to eat MSG (which increases sensations of pain) or added sugars. I even watch which fruits I eat. Too much sugar makes me hurt again. I don't take any drugs if I can avoid it, because usually I will start to flare no matter what the drug is -- weird but true.

    Good sleep habits are critical for me, too. I spent a lot of time and effort on getting my sleep worked out.

    Heat helps me tremendously. Hot shower or hot bath, heated blanket or heated mattress pad (the latter is better for me because my major pain was in my neck/shoulders and hips), hot tubs, warm pools (the ones that they recommend for arthritis patients), heating pads -- all of them are good for specific pain points and for generally keeping my body mobile.

    I do some other things, too, that are probably outside the scope of this conversation, so I'll just mention them briefly: I do things that raise my serotonin naturally, I do the highest level of exercise that I am able to do, and I keep my attitude positive. I'm as close to cured today as I probably ever will be, and I'm grateful. But even when I felt very bad, I never gave up looking for possible solutions.

    You can friend me if you'd like!
  • cmfay131
    cmfay131 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm sorry to hear about the new FM diagnosis. I've been battling FM for many years along with Lupus/RA and a host of other autoimmune issues. They generally go together, there is never just one. Unfortunately. Having chronic pain conditions makes it hard to get motivated to eat right and exercise. I'm just now starting to get back into exercise. It takes roughly 2-3 weeks for your body (people with FM) to adjust to working out, even slightly. It's a pain condition and everything makes it worse. Just keep trying, baby steps at first, even the smallest step is better than no step at all. I take an 7 pill cocktail for breakfast and the same for dinner but it allows me to have a full time job that is very high paced and also to participate in my life. Yes, there are some things I just can't do anymore but there are others that I still try and quickly realize it's not worth it. Everyone is different. Keep in mind, people don't understand what they can't see. Best of luck. Email me anytime if you think I can help with anything or answer questions. Cymbalta is a good drug for FM and it will work two fold for you as it will help with the depression too!
  • DeinaOKC
    DeinaOKC Posts: 1 Member
    Hi - I haven't been diagnosed with FM but I'm waiting on results from blood work from a dr appt last week. FM was mentioned, along with RA and a slew of other things. After taking 7 vials of blood I hope they discover something. The last 8 months or so I'm constantly achy & my energy level has plummeted. I'm skipping belly dance class tonight (and our showcase is in 4 weeks!) because I did some gardening last night it's wiped me out today :(

    I went to a variety of doctors within the last 15 years for stomach issues I've had for the last 25 yrs (I think it's IBS) I was told it's all in my head, there's nothing medically wrong with me and to talked to a psychiatrist. So I did that, diagnosed with depression and GAD. I still have stomach problems, but not nearly as bad.

    I'd like to keep moving & exercising but I don't know how much to do before I'm spending days recovering.