Jump Rope Questions

I'm thinking about starting to jump rope, though I am 310 lbs and I was wondering if there is anything I could do to lessen impact on my knees? I don't generally have bad knee's, though I sit cross-legged, havefor the majority of my life and at times my hips feel a bit displaced if I move wrong. Does anyone know if that will effect my hips? I have some mat-like thigs I am planning on lying on the floor, plus wearing shoes and not coming down on my flat feet. I think posture might be a big thing too when jumping rope, I remember when I was a kid, if I didn't have straight posture it strained my back a little more.

Also, I'm not very good with stretches and warm-ups, does anyone have any suggestions? I've been watching youtube fitness video's lately, so I have a bit of an idea of what I want to try but..I just want to find something that works well for me. I have problems with my calves cramping easily, I have since I was a kid...so would stretching a little more help that? o.o; wweew. ok I think that's it for now! :flowerforyou:


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I started jumping at 275. I jumped on concrete at first but ultimately got a rubber exercise mat to jump on. I highly recommend the mat. You can find a 3x4 mat at a store that sells fitness equipment or an Amazon. Mine is the time that you usually put under a treadmill and it works perfectly for jumping. Yoga type mats do NOT work well at all.

    Posture will most likely take care of itself but it's your feet, ankles and knees you'll have to learn to protect. Land on the balls of your feet and your heels should never come in contact with the ground. Keep some bend in your knees at all times, land softly, and only jump high enough to clear he rope. Most people start off by jumping much too high.

    Good luck!
  • missyrawr89
    Thank you for replying ! :]

    I have a foam one I think, it was to go under the treadmill but we haven't put it there yet so I've just been using the mats for crunches and stuff like that.

    Also, thank you for the reminder about not jumping too high! I knew there was something I was forgetting!!
  • missyrawr89
    hoping someone else might comment as well n.n
  • missyrawr89
  • ProMooch
    ProMooch Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, how have you got on with your jump rope? I'm thinking of attempting it too, just having a look on the message boards to get advice, tips, technique ideas.