Gotta end this self torture!

Heya everyone! I've heard many good things about MFP. I'm female, 23, 5'6 in height and weighing 13.7stone (189lbs/85kg). In the last month I put on just over a stone. I feel like a bottle with too much pressure and very little within my control. So I stuff my face - I'm sure a few of us have been there. The sad thing is then when the binge is over I DON'T feel good. I just literally got to the point I cannot fit in my clothes - I'm gonna have to buy new ones in larger sizes but I'm not going to let it get to that. Time to sort this out! I wanna be 140lbs and wearing shorts before I'm 25!

Like my family, I'm pretty undisciplined. Our house is chaos, reflecting our chaotic family relationship and its various strains. We are all overweight, overfed and lazy. I can't change anyone else, but I can change ME. This lack of discipline has led to me getting in a LOT of trouble with work as well as all the responsibilities at home. I get up late, I don't eat properly, I get stressed and when I get home I stuff my face and play games. In reality I only NEED to game 9 hours a week to meet up with my friends etc etc. It leaves plenty of time for everything else yet it's MUCH MUCH easier to sit and do jack all nothing. It doesn't help that my work revolves sitting in a car with the odd hour here and there standing and talking about animals (not that energetic a job ><).

I know MFP is really only for weight loss - but the emotional side is so intertwined I just have to get it out or explode.

Today though I woke up feeling good - positive about eating good, getting things done and preparing a plan to ease me gently (this time) into a new, healthier lifestyle. I can't do it alone, not with three family "food demons" throwing cakes and chocolate and coke in my face. I also love to help people and really hope I can find likewise minded friends on here who understand the challenges I'm facing.

Have a good day everyone :)

p.s.* have edited but I have a thing for typos. :)