What am I doing wrong?

OK so according to my www.myfitnesspal.com numbers, between exercise calories burned and diet, I should be down 10lbs in the past month...I am down NOTHING!!! any suggestions? I am sick of kicking my own butt in the gym to simply "maintain" a weight I am not happy with!


  • lgav23
    lgav23 Posts: 33 Member
    I know the feeling...I follow everything, diet, exercise, food logs...and NOTHING.
    I hope you find the answer...and share it with me ...LOL
    Its very frustrating.
  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    Don't get discouraged! This is very hard! Have you measured your self lately? I have been pretty much "stuck" on the scale for a while. But I check my measurements once a week, and I see the numbers going down there. I love that!! The scale is only one factor of your weight loss. Not the only factor. Keep working at it, you will see a change!! Weight is only a number, it's how you feel about yourself that really matters.
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    Neither of you has your food diaries public, so I can't see what you're doing in terms of food intake/calories and exercise. If you open those, people who read this might be able to offer better/more advice.

    Are you eating back the exercise calories burned through exercise? For instance, if you're eating 1300 calories and then burning off 500 through exercise, if you don't eat some of those back, you will have only basically given your body 800 calories to function. You should be eating at least some of those back. MFP already has you at a deficit figured in to lose x amount of lbs per week. So, if you're not eating back those calories, you may not be eating the minimum amount of calories for your body to function effectively.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Your probably not doing anything wrong. When you only have around 10lbs to loose it can feel like it takes for ever. Try playing with your calories a bit, up or down. When I got to within 10 pounds of my goal I had to put my settings at 2lbs per week loss and I would loose 0.5 to 1lb per week. Also play with when you eat. I found I lost weight faster if I didn't eat after 7pm.

    Good Luck.
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    It might sound counterintuitive, but you may be working out *too* hard, especially if you are just starting out...or overestimating calories burned, or both. Working out too hard, especially if you are going from the couch to very high cardio and doing it day after day, stimulates cortisol and other stress hormones which could sabotage your efforts. While that is not the case for a trained athlete who has been doing it for awhile, it often happens when we try to beat ourselves back into shape. Try taking it down a notch, perhaps invest in a heart rate monitor to be sure you're not anaerobic all the time. Lastly, you might check your daily general activity level. Sometimes we work out really hard, then sit down for the rest of the day. As a general 'guide', if you are wearing a pedometer, your activity steps should clock in around 10k MINIMUM (that puts you at lightly active).
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I don't mean to come across harsh or anything but I probably will.....

    Didn't you just post on another thread that you use and distribute diet supplements? You said they work, right?

    How about if they don't work and have messed up your metabolism? You may need more than a month of good, healthy eating and calorie buring the real natural way before you see any results.

    No offense, but if your having this problem, maybe you shouldn't advertise you little business on here. Not a good idea to claim something works to someone else who has hit a plateau, then go on and admit you are at a plateau somewhere else. Thats just plain dishonest and terrible marketing. What if that guy purchases your product based on your recommendation? You totally contradicted yourself. Sorry.