No refined sugar diet

hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
So my dr recommend that I cut out all sugars from my diet. He told me calories dont matter, fat doesnt matter. I can eat as much meat (no matter fat content), all the veggies I want, all the fruit I want, eggs, and cheese. I am to cut out anything with refined sugar in it (no candy, cakes, pie, soda) and no potatos, very little pasta (only whole wheat), verly little bread (only whole wheat).

I am going to work on increasing my walking to 1 hour every other day (as much as my feet will let me).

Does this kind of diet work? Is anyone on a diet like this? How do you get past the cravings for like chocolate?


  • kittyhorn
    kittyhorn Posts: 112 Member
    I get around my chocolate cravings one of 2 ways. I'm in Canada and there's a great NSA Rich Hot Chocolate mix that I buy or I make hot cocoa using unsweetened cocoa powder and splenda.
    MOMXFOUR Posts: 2 Member
    I was a major chocoholic!! I had to quit cold turkey. Once it gets out of your system it's much easier. After that try sugar free chocolate pudding with sugar free cool whip. It's the closest thing I can eat without feeling like it's diet food. Also try Bryers carb smart chocolate ice cream (if that's allowed). My hubby and I love it.
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    It sounds like your doctor has you on a high protein/low carb diet such as Atkins. I am on the atkins plan and it does work very well. I have lost 74 lbs. by doing high protein/low carb along with WW back in 2006 but now I no longer do WW but I come here to count my calories along with the atkins plan. I do count my calories because I don't believe that you can go crazy on calories whether your on high protein/low carb or not but that is from my personal experiences. Maybe some can get away with not counting calories but I know I can't.

    I have cut all refined sugar out of my diet meaning no sodas, no candy, no pies or pastries or cakes. I don't eat pasta at all or bread either. Right now I am not even eating fruit because of the natural sugar content in the fruit. I eat portion controlled meals with a meat and veggie and I only drink water except at dinner and then I will have a zero coke.

    I can't take chocolate out of my diet , I have tried it and failed so I am a big believer in not totally depriving yourself because in the long run all you do is set yourself up for failure. Been there and done that too. So I will give myself a treat two to three times a week but only sugar free candy and only one serving after dinner. I like dark chocolate the best and it's healthier for you too.

    I drink 80-120 oz. of pure water a day and nothing else except for a zero coke at dinner but only one zero coke because the aspartame in the diet sodas can have an effect on your weight loss if you drink to many. I exercise at least five days a week with walking, Tae bo, pilates and yoga :)

    It doesn't hurt to cut out sugar from your diet. I am very carb sensitive and that is why my doctor and nutritionist suggested atkins to me and I sure am glad I listened!! Good luck on your weight loss journey :)
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