Staying focused under stress

My biggest problem has always been stress eating. I can eat a horse with some elephant for dessert when I am stressed or upset. Next week, I am writing my personal statement and turning in a several grad school applications. Any suggestions for staying on the course when my emotional energy has all been drained into the application process?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Get rid of the junk food, or your tendency to reach for it will win. now, I know it's better to overcome a habit then to feed it, but I also know that's easier said than done. So, I'd get some healthy stuff that's low cal to munch like peas in the pod, celery, berries, an apple (crunch usually helps me, and berries you can have a fair amount for relatively low calories). I know that's not fixing the habit, but that's a hard one to fix because you're already stressed form something else, and breaking a habit is stressful! Also, set a goal with a reward. Something like I'll finish two essays, then I get to watch a cheesy rom com. Then I'll do two more essays, and I'll have a healthy option for dinner from my favorite place (I know food shouldn't be a reward, but I think here, it's something to look forward to and help to keep the crappy snacking to a minimum). I also chew a lot of gum to help my snacking tendencies.
  • abelmorales3150
    JenMC is on point! Instead of looking towards junk food to feed your appetite, look at some healthy snacks. In addition, are you exercising every morning? This might be a good idea because exercising is a HUGE stress reliever. Lastly, try adding some Personal Development audiobooks to your collection and listen to them on your commute to wherever.

    In the past couple of months my attitude has completely changed towards life. I went from being way OVERWEIGHT to being more fit and have become more positive about life. You can accomplish anything you put your mind to!

    I know what it is like to be stressed out.... This year I have been dealing with a pregnant wife, Army National Guard commitments, work full-time as an IT guy, purchased a house, and was taking 4 college classes. So I know where you're coming from. Try letting things go, be more positive and exchange those unhealthy snacks with snacks filled with nutrients.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    If you have particular trigger foods, or foods that you binge on more than others - try to get rid of those to make it easier on yourself.

    Maybe planning and pre-logging would help. Pre-log your meals and snacks (including any treats you want to fit in) and then you might find it easier not to deviate from that. I tend to have some chocolate in the evening, and if there are days when I'm stressed and want to eat for that reason, it helps me to know that I will have some chocolate before I go to bed. It helps me somehow to resist other things up until then.

    Try and find other things that you know are good stress relievers, whether it's watching your favourite tv show, or talking to a particular person, or going for a walk. Write a list of other things you can do instead of eating when you feel stressed.

    Just keep logging. For me, logging has become such a part of my routine, that it actually helps when I'm feeling stressed. At least I know that that's something I'm in control of.

    Good luck with your applications!