"You look bigger" :(



  • amberlynnsinspired
    amberlynnsinspired Posts: 438 Member
    She could be jealous. I know A LOT of people like that.
  • jlcrph
    jlcrph Posts: 41 Member
    i probably had to lose ~ 30 pounds before people noticed I was losing weight AND most noticed after I started wearing clothes that weren't so loose on me. Keep up the GREAT work - soon it will be obvious to everyone. In the meantime, just focus on you, what the scale is telling you - and how healthy you are becoming.
  • fitnfab_meyer
    fitnfab_meyer Posts: 11 Member
    You know, maybe subconsciously its jealously, maybe she really couldn't tell. Don't let it matter. I know how difficult it is to keep pushing when people don't seem to notice. And I know what a great feeling it is when they finally do notice. So until then..keep yourself going by remembering how good you feel after you've made it thru a tough workout, or how great it feels when the scale goes down or when those inches keep coming off! 15 lbs is a great accomplishment!! Don't let the reaction of one person sway your dedication because the day will come when there can be no denying that you've lost weight!
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    Out of interest, do you notice any changes yourself? And has anyone else said anything?

    I agree with most people here - you can't 100% rely on your sister - close family have a hard time being totally objective for a number of reasons.

    Main thing is that you are seeing progress - and that you are happy with what you see
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    If you were in a hoodie, it's hard to see a difference. If you have lost inches, you obviously are smaller. Don't be discouraged. Keep doing what you're doing. No one noticed a difference for me until about 20-25 pounds. Even though I look and feel radically different in my own eyes, it's harder for others to see.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Sounds like she is jealous. :P
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    1. Its probably the sweater and the fact that your wearing the same clothes and people cant tell that you lost. The first 40 pounds or so I lost people had NO idea and it wasnt until after I started buying new smaller clothes did people notice, everyone is now shocked to see me and think that my loss happened over night and not over the course of a year.

    Also you may have gained some muscles and it shows differently under a large, bulky sweater.

    2. she may be jealous, I know that when I weighed more than my sister and she lost weight I was jealous that she had the self-discipline to do it and now that I'm losing and for the first time EVER weigh less then her she's super jealous and even accused me of having an eating disorder and being obsessed with calories because I log everything. But its not your place to say anything about it, just let it roll off your back, and if she wants/ asks for help or advice offer her your tools to success.
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Next time let your results speak for itself :-)
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Are you sure it wasn't jealousy talking?

    Even my most supportive friends and family become catty when I mention weight loss.

    I doubt it. Even though she is 5"4 and well over 300lbs. We are pretty close sisters.
    She doesnt really care about her weight.

    Just because she says she doesn't care, doesn't mean its the truth. At my fattest moments, I "wouldn't care" but I might be willing to sabotage someone...It's a terrible thing to admit, but in the back of your head, misery loves company.

    That being said, no one noticed until I lost 28 lbs and I changed the clothes I was wearing.

    I just can't change the clothes I wear yet. I feel ridiculously uncomfortable without a big sweater. Ill wear a hoody in the middle of summer no matter how hot it is. I even have had people say I was faking my pregnancy because I wore a hoody in the middle of June. I tried to wear a normal top the other day, I spent the entire walk sucking in as hard as I could and immediately changed when I got home.

    Then I can about guarantee you it is because your clothes are looser. Clothes that are too big make you look bigger just like clothes that are too tight. Especially if the fabric is bulky, like a sweatshirt.

    I'd take your sister's comment at face value - sounds like she was trying to be honest with you - and use it as motivation to get to where you'd be comfortable getting smaller, better-fitting clothes.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Last time she saw me I was 220 lbs and now I'm almost in one-derland. I've even lost inches! But I look bigger !?!?

    I really, really, really doubt you look bigger. But really it is something you have to settle with in your mind and how YOU see yourself. You ahve made excellent strides in your fitness goals, and you must be feeling pretty good about that, so don't get yourself down. Just keep plugging away and working hard. I am SURE the differences are adding up insde and out!
  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    Thanks so much for the replies everyone, I really appreciate it!
    Maybe it's just my clothes, you're all right. I just dont feel comfortable wearing anything touching my skin if that makes sense. I'll just feel like everyone is staring at my fat. I'll get over it one day.

    And I do feel and see a difference. My stomach feels more comfortable and not so squished when I sit with my knees up, my neck doesnt jiggle on the city bus lol
  • paleopin
    paleopin Posts: 47
    Women are evil! Every time I tell my mom I'm trying to lose weight almost immediately she purchases cupcakes or ice cream, which she NEVER usually buys since she doesn't like sweets and I have a massive sweet tooth I'm trying to get under control.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Women are evil!

    I just wanted to quote this for troof!

  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Are you sure it wasn't jealousy talking?
  • brook97378
    brook97378 Posts: 38 Member
    I think it sounds like jealousy. I don't ask for people's opinions on how I look though, if they say something on their own that's ok, but I never ask. Your opinion is the only one that matters. And if you feel good about yourself then don't worry about what anyone else says.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    Women are evil!

    I just wanted to quote this for troof!


  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I hope you're taking monthly progress photos because they never lie. I do mine clothed for you guys, but in the raw with just bikini panties for me to see the whole change.

    It's important and the camera lens is unbiased.

    We here KNOW you look like you've lost weight, because you have.

    :heart: jan :heart: