Anyone else sheepishly returning?



  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Welcome back, you're not alone, friend me and we'll kick those pounds back off.. Olive
  • my head is hung in shame also…
    i keep logging my food but i've change the settings so no one knows i am logging lol
    oh the shame lol

    if anyone wants to add me then please do… I'll change my settings again and take it on the chin.. i feel such a let down..
    i got down to 172 now back to 197… =[ such a fool..
    im struggling so hard to get kick started again, i get up and im like BRING IT ON… few hours later… oh tomorrow URGH
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Welcome back! Glad you're here.

    Why do you think you gained the weight back? What were you eating like before?

    I think I put the weight back on for several reasons. A few things about my life changed and I went through a "medium sized" (haha) depression because of it. But I also got very busy and lazy. I started accepting excuses for why I was off track. Then before I knew it I was damn near back to where I had started.

    I'm not sure I know what you're asking about what I was eating like before. The last time I was losing weight? Or when I stopped trying to lose weight? Looking back on the way I lost weight before, I don't like it. I was eating A LOT of processed and pre-packaged foods. Most of which were high in carbs. Stuff like those 100 cal packs in the cookie aisles. When I stopped losing weight I went back to unmonitored eating. But, I don't think that was my main problem. My husband and I eat the exact same way and basically the same amounts. He has been a very dedicated weight lifter and is pretty fitness savvy. He has repeatedly told me that my problem is that I stopped working out. I agree with him. I think if I had just continued to work out, I would have maintained my weight loss. Especially since I never got back on the soda pop bandwagon. (Thank heavens.) Anyway, this time around I'm trying to eat better. I don't like fad or restrictive diets. But, in general, I'm trying to eat lean meats, lots of veggies, and whole grains. Trying my best to avoid refined sugar and processed foods.

    That's great! Yes, I was asking how you were eating while you were losing weight. Typically, I've found a lot of people gain the weight back on if they lost it being super restrictive, which always makes me sad. It seems like you have the right idea though! I'm glad you're back!
  • GreenChile3
    GreenChile3 Posts: 65
    Yes i'm back only because i quit smoking last summer and put on a few unwanted pounds. Arghh! But I'm excited to be back and get this weight off! Good luck to everyone!
  • jsantinello
    jsantinello Posts: 1 Member
    Back as well. Today! I lost over 50Lbs a few years ago all on my own using MFP and had 40 to go to get to my target. Changed jobs and moved and got lax and well.. you know the rest. Gained back 30+LBs. Tried Weight Watchers for a bit. Their point system is a joke and they neglect a lot of calories that should be counted. So, I am back here.

    Taking it one day at a time... slow but surely.. we will get there. (and stop calling me Shirley).
  • Smyth2710
    Smyth2710 Posts: 2
    This is also my return!
    I rejoined like 10mins ago..
    I am also hoping to prevent rather than cure
    Diabetes as it runs in my family too!
    We can all do this
    It's mind over matter!
    Feel free to add me in new to this too and have
    No mfp friends yet!
    Good luck!x
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,710 Member
    Oh yes! When I was using MFP daily, I lost 10 pounds.... then stopped using it, and I gained it right back (also moved and stopped exercising for 6 months, so shocker! I gained weight!