I HATE TEA! (picky eaters club)

ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
So, I've noticed that a lot of people love tea, but I've always thought it was totally yucky, especially green tea. I've tried many different kinds of it as well, even some rose flavored tea, but I still think it just tastes like dirt/grass water. I'd much rather just drink plain water. The only "tea" I've ever really liked is the powdered Lipton lemon tea in the big canister. That's stuff is delicious, but only when you put a crap load of the sugary powder in the glass. So I wouldn't call that tea so much as slightly tea flavored Kool-Aid.

Does anyone else hate tea? Or any other food/beverage that's very popular. Some other things I loathe are sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, mayo, hamburgers/hotdogs.


  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    You called?

    I hate tea also. I hate that I hate tea because everyone else I know loves tea, but not me. I don't like iced tea, hot teal, flavored tea or any tea.

    Tea hater right here. :bigsmile:
  • swopen
    swopen Posts: 165 Member
    ugh, I hate tea too! so gross! I also hate cream cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, mayo, and a lot more "normal" foods. you are not alone!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    "Tea flavored Kool-Aid" .... perfect description.... I loved that stuff. There must be a cup of sugar for each half-gallon.

    That said, tea was an acquired taste for me. I'm old ..... so old in fact ..... that all diet soda was sweetened with sacharine. Nasty!

    So I forced myself to like iced tea.... it was better than anything sweetened with sacharine. I started with a 2 quart pitcher of tea & added "some" sugar (1/4 to 1/3 cup) ... I gradually stepped down to zero sugar. I use a mix of fruity flavored and black tea bags ..... the fruit flavored bags "take the edge" off "straight" black tea.

    I work with a woman that describes all tea as "woody" tasting...... to each his/her own.
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    ugh, I hate tea too! so gross! I also hate cream cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, mayo, and a lot more "normal" foods. you are not alone!

    I know! Most white and creamy substances are so gross, I don't know how people do it. I will say that I can eat some things when they're hidden in desserts, like cream cheese in cheese cake, lol. My friend even made an extremely rich chocolate cake with sour cream that I found I really loved, but as soon as I saw it I could detect the smell of sour cream. She was amazed I could tell. If anyone puts sour cream on my taco or whatever, I can't eat it. It looks, smells and tastes terrible. Someone may as well have taken a big poo on my food, lmao! It's funny because my mom LOVES the stuff, she puts sour cream on everything, even spaghetti. *barf*
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I love tea but to answer your question, I hate any food that has cilantro. For me, it makes everything taste like soap.