pros and cons of eating vegan?



  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    Oreos are vegan.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Oreos are vegan.


    Go with Newman-O's
  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    Oreos are vegan.

    not to get all super-vegan on you, but they're only.. sort of vegan. you can't trust the sugar in them, very likely refined through animal bone charcoal. and i've heard european oreos have whey. if you're absolutely positively trying to eliminate all animal products, refined sugar is always a 'gotcha' item due to the refining process.

    i believe Hydrox are confirmed vegan, though. newman o's (or locally made alternatives, if you're lucky) are the way to go for your oreo fix, though.

    note -- i generally allow refined sugars in my diet currently, though i'm on an 'relaxed' cycle right now and will eventually go back to actively avoiding. it's more a 'fyi' for vegans than a hard and fast rule, sort of similar to the never-ending 'is honey vegan' debate. the purists will definitely avoid as a general rule, which is an understandable position to take.
  • affacat
    affacat Posts: 216 Member
    Well sure. But a vegan diet is not necessarily healthy anymore than any other diet is.

    but that's true of anything.

    a vegan diet can easily be full nutrient, get protein from a wide variety of sources, and effectively removes cholesterol as a health issue. and sure, if you're not careful you can miss out on something, but that's just as true of a meat-based diet.

    one thing vegan does have going for it is that in order to be vegan, you're going to have to:
    1) actively read and research ingredients on all items
    2) care about what you intake

    that combination tends to lead towards healthier living.

    you also naturally avoid all the hormones and other chemicals injected into factory farm animals.

    because let's be real here - most meat eaters aren't sourcing their meats. and if you're not doing that, then yes, it could be argued vegans avoid a whole slew of issues naturally. now, if you hunt down your own animals from the forest, more power to you, but that's not how most meat-eaters eat.
  • taytay9955
    taytay9955 Posts: 23
    I could give you a laundry list of pros and cons of being vegan, but everyones body is different, and you would have to try a vegan lifestyle to see if it works for you. I've found it is better for me my skin cleared up I have more energy, I've lost weight and maintained it and I feel better over all. Most people find that they lose weight on a vegan diet, because it limits what they can eat outside their home, fast food is all but a distant memoryand most processed food are not vegan so it cuts that out of your diet as well. Eating vegan requires a lot more planning than most people typically spend on their meals. Someone mentioned that if you are going to go vegan just because you want to lose weight it probably wont be enough to keep you on track. If you do decide to go vegan or have any questions feel free to friend me.