PROTEIN SHAKES & Nosebleeds - linked???

My husband has started getting severe nosebleeds that last 5+ minutes and he'd use 1/2 box tissue. I was starting to get scared thinking bad things...cancer? (In my kids history class we just learned that Attila the Hun died of a nosebleed) Anyway, while making him a shake the other night it dawned on me (I believe it was the HS) that these bleeds started soon after he began drinking PROTEIN SHAKES. So I did what lots of people do: I "googled" protein shakes and nosebleeds. I can't believe what the search turned up. Now I am not knocking all shakes nor do I know if all shakes contain - high metals, arseninc, cadmium and mercury - but you may be surprised at some of the brands that do have it. BTW the brand he was using is on the list as containing arsenic. Check this out .. ://
I guess it goes to show one can never do too much research.