Weight Watchers?

running_mom Posts: 204 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I was at a stand still for 4/5 months then lost 3lbs. Now Im at another stand still. I was wondering if I did weight watchers, would it help? I stay between 1200-1400 cals and workout and burn 600 cals a day.

I've never done weight watchers before. My friend has been on it for 2 weeks and lost 6 lbs. Anyone ever do weight watchers and MFP at the same time? I've heard they track different things so it might be hard to do both.

Any advice other than stick with it!? I'm getting frustrated!


  • WussKat
    WussKat Posts: 63
    Hi vbrach15

    I havent been on both at the same time but I have lost weight with weight watchers.

    When I did WW about 3 years ago they 'pointed' all the food and you were limited to a certain number of points a day...some food was free - mainly vegetables. I think it would be hard to combine MFP and WW simply because of this.

    You say your friend lost 6lb in her first 2 weeks. I don't think this is unusual and she probably won't keep up that amount of weight loss.

    One suggestion I have, looking at your calorie intake and exercise burn, is maybe to up your calories...it might be that your body is going into a kind of 'hibernation' wondering why its not getting the calories it needs and so shutting down in a way and not burning the fat.

    I am sure others will have more ideas...hope this helps and keep on going :smile:
  • lcardinal
    lcardinal Posts: 4
    I was on Weight Watchers and was not losing anything, so I switched to MFP and now I am seeing results, I think I just was not following the WW plan, and MFP was something new so I am more conscious of everything. When you start something new it is like the honeymoon phase, as they say at Weight Watchers. I think that they both work, you just have to weigh, measure and track. What I like about MFP is that it is Free! Weight Watchers tracks points instead, but you are less aware of how healthy your choices are for you.
    Maybe change up your foods and your workouts for a couple of weeks. Good Luck
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    I think because you are getting closer to your goal, its becoming harder.. also..YOUR NOT EATING ENOUGH... if you stay between 1200 and 1400 calories a day and burning 600 a day.. your technically eating only roughly between 600 and 800 calories a day. your body is in starvation mode. WW is almost the same as here, however slighly different in some aspects. You eat more on ww. Lower calorie foods and lower fat foods, and the extra 35 points a week you get. SO basically, if you did it you would increase your food.

    Your body needs fuel to work, if you work out and don't refuel it, your body is acting as its in starvation mode.... so EAT your CALS and you will loose the rest of your weight
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i just started WW today. the two don't go together. the points do come out to be the almost the same calories. it depends on what you want to do and if you want easy or do some counting. i hear it's a point for every 50 calories. don't know if that true or not. if so it's close. with what my points are is close to what MFP tells me for calories. give or take.

    i love my friends and support on here....that is why i stay here.

    good luck in your decision.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    I've done WW several times and here I am at MFP losing weight for free! I think that MFP has all the benefits of WW, none of the cost of WW, and a community of people to support and help nudge you along 24/7! The tools are here, and just like WW, you have to use them.

    There are numerous posts about eating vs not eating exercise calories and putting yourself into starvation mode. Are you sure that you aren't under-eating?
  • mooselady2004
    mooselady2004 Posts: 30 Member
    I did weight watchers, and basically one point is 70 calories (it will be less if it has high fat content, or can be up to 100 calories per point if it is high in fiber). I ate tons of fiber so I could eat more food, but I think it took me way high on my calories. I eat much healthier here, because I do not get "credit" for fiber. The meetings are nice for ideas and motivation, but you can also find this here. I joined a weight loss group at my local Y.....the membership at the Y is about the same as the cost of the WW membership, plus my whole family can go. I am much healthier this way than when I was doing WW, but different things work for different people.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I was on WW for years and thogh I lost alot initially I found that I got really tired of counting points.

    It makes so much more sense to count calories and nutr. info.
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    For me Weight Watchers is a waste of money and I didn't lose any weight.
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    I have tried ww in the past too and it didn't do much for me! I have only been here (MFP) for a few days but love it so far, the support is awesome and seeing everyones weight losses is so inspirational! I agree with the above, it makes much more sense to count calories then to count points! I mean really, in the real world when you get out on your own are you going to ask how many points a meal is? LOL, or how many calories?! Just MO!
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I just didn't know if it was worth it to try and do WW to kind of "shake" things up. I've been doing MFP for over a year now and I'm down to my last 20 lbs. It's just taking forever!
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    I am a life time member of Weight Watchers who is doing maintenance. I record all my meals here at myfitness pal and in the journal portion I record my weight watcher points. I use the following site for calculating my points: http://www.meganandjack.com/points_calculator.htm

    Counting points or counting calories is basically the same thing; counting and being accountable for what you put in your body, pick a method that works for you.

    The hardest thing about Weight Watchers is not losing the weight, but believe it or not, it is maintaining your weight by adding more points to your diet and keeping your weight steady, once you figure out what your weekly point range is, it is easy to follow the program.

    brkft. 7.0
    lunch 7.0
    snack 1.0
    diiner 10.0 = 25.0 total points
  • TeriB19
    TeriB19 Posts: 33
    I lost 50 lbs on WW doing it online, then reached a plateau that I could not break. Someone turned me on to MFP, which is FREE. I did the math, and have lost another 10 lbs since joining MFP (and saved myself $16.95/month). Is WW a great program? Yes. Is MFP a great program? Yes. Points or calories, it all adds up, but free works best for me.
  • this is my first week on weight watchers i lost 8 pounds.i think it would be great program to be on and fast moving weight loss.:smile:
  • divaphotogirl
    divaphotogirl Posts: 2 Member
    I have been on WW for years, and now I am trying this. I have found, that I have to eat all the calories I burn when I exercise.. otherwise your body goes into starvation mode. Typically when you start WW, you will lose a lot in the beginning.. because your either following the program to a Tee... and consuming lots of water. I would stick with this...its cheaper, and you can get the same results !
    Good Luck !!!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    @ time2getskinny
    That initial weight loss is, usually, water on any program. Also, it will be impossible to be healthy and maintain that rate of weight loss on any program. Whether WW or MFP, the key is logging and being accountable for everything that goes into our mouths!
  • Congrats on your weight loss. I am doing WW using calories instead of points by using this site and using WW for learning to eat right and the meetings support. Best of luck to you. :)
  • duckfan06
    duckfan06 Posts: 20
    Hey there, I have been on weight watchers and I'll tell you one thing... I had to eat WAY too much food. I didn't care for the points system. It seemed to focus on holding you accountable like MFP does with it's calorie counter. I would say that if you stick with counting calories and working hard eventually you will get past your plateau. While WW certainly has worked for people in the past, it wasn't for me.

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