New comer hoping to lose 33 lbs n 3 months!



  • Teddy__Bear
    Teddy__Bear Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all ! I am a 23 yr old female.. When I was born, I weighed 13 pounds (birth weight) making me one of the heaviest babies in the world. I have always been heavy. Currently I weigh 76 kg and am 165.7 cm tall. I joined when I was 78 kg heavy. Looking forward to slimming down so that I could also inspire my Fiancee :)

  • LaviMc
    LaviMc Posts: 355 Member
    Hi from Miami, FL, Gemma! I'm 31 and I'm also happy to support you in your endeavors. I'm looking to lose 75 lbs (I'm already down 35) and I was hoping to lose about 30 more pounds in the next 3 months, so I kinda have the same goal as you. Please feel free to add me! Hope to talk to you soon!
  • Kajay
    Kajay Posts: 6 Member
    Good morning and good luck. Having a goal is a great place to start.

    I think want to lose 10 pounds in a month, then I'll set a new goal.

    I am trying to just get back into exercise daily.

    Yeah good idea, I mean if after a month I don't think I am on target to lose I am definitely going to re-evaluate, I like your plan! Good luck lovely :-)
  • Excuse_less
    Excuse_less Posts: 874 Member
    That's very ambitious and will require complete dedication and a lot of will power ! But not impossible. It will become like a second job trying to maintain the rate of loss you need to get there. Don't get discouraged and if you feel yourself starting to burn out.......that's when you change up your routine again and dig in even harder!! Best of luck to you :)
  • gtheflea
    gtheflea Posts: 19
    That's very ambitious and will require complete dedication and a lot of will power ! But not impossible. It will become like a second job trying to maintain the rate of loss you need to get there. Don't get discouraged and if you feel yourself starting to burn out.......that's when you change up your routine again and dig in even harder!! Best of luck to you :)

    Hi :-) yeah it is very ambitious, but as I have the whole summer off of university (and currently no job) I am hoping to spend a lot of time exercising to get to where I want to be. I am definitely going to re-evaluate my plan and goals every month, thanks for the advice and support :-)
  • gtheflea
    gtheflea Posts: 19
    Hi from Miami, FL, Gemma! I'm 31 and I'm also happy to support you in your endeavors. I'm looking to lose 75 lbs (I'm already down 35) and I was hoping to lose about 30 more pounds in the next 3 months, so I kinda have the same goal as you. Please feel free to add me! Hope to talk to you soon!

    WOW! what a great weight loss, well done you!!! Yeah we have similar ambition, I look forward to seeing how you go about losing the weight :-) feel free to check out my exercise and diet logs :-) Good luck and I am here if and when you need me!
  • gtheflea
    gtheflea Posts: 19
    Hi all ! I am a 23 yr old female.. When I was born, I weighed 13 pounds (birth weight) making me one of the heaviest babies in the world. I have always been heavy. Currently I weigh 76 kg and am 165.7 cm tall. I joined when I was 78 kg heavy. Looking forward to slimming down so that I could also inspire my Fiancee :)


    Hey! our BMIs are like the exact same! aha. I look forward to seeing how you get on, good luck! :-)
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    I generally am against setting goals to lose X amount of weight in X amount of time. That is not something that you can control. You can, however, set nutrition and fitness goals. You have complete control of those. I've noticed that when people set goals about how much weight they will lose by a certain date, if they don't achieve that number, they get discouraged and give up.

    I think it differs with every person to be fair, I know my target is high and if I don't feel I am on target for it in 1 month's time then perhaps I will have to look further into what I am eating and set a new plan. I think it's important that people have goals to work towards as long as they re-evaluate every month or so. Thanks for the advice though, I am sure there are many people it will help.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with being ambitious, just be prepared to adjust once you see how you're progressing :) And don't get discouraged if you do have to change your goal.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    hey im 25 and weigh 140 i have a 4yr old son. before i got pregnant i weighed 98lbs lol id like to get down to 115.....i want to start doing some heavy lifting so idk if ill get do to 115 but as long as i get rid of this big o' booty and thighs ill be good lol...and my pudgy stomach of course. Have fun on your journey!!
  • kategfig
    kategfig Posts: 1
    Hi, I am Kate and Im hoping to loose 20 lbs in 2 months or at least close to that. I could use some more fitness pal friends to keep me in check. I am 28 years old with my birthday coming up in June 4th and I also speak Spanish! For any Spanish friends that might want to add me! Greetings and good luck to all!! Diggggggg Deeeeeper!!!!
  • gtheflea
    gtheflea Posts: 19
    So glad to see everyone coming together with such ambition! Good luck everybody :-) I seriously believe that we can all achieve what we want if we're willing to make sacrifices! Just been on my first run, was out for 30 minutes and am now aboutt o do 60 minutes on my cycling machine.

    Add me as a friend and keep me posted.

    Once again, good luck everyone.

  • Gagirl79
    Gagirl79 Posts: 193 Member
    Hey! I'm currently 171.6 pounds and 5 ft 1 inch, and I would like to lose appr 35 lbs. And If I have been working out about 4 times a week also. I would love to look at least kind of good in a bathing suit by the end of summer!!

    Good luck in your journey !!!
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Good luck to you. That is very ambitious. Just a couple tips. Typically when someone trys to lose a lot of weight extremely fast it doesn't stay off because you've have to do such drastic measures to obtain the goal. If you want to lose the weight in a healthy and sustainable way, it will take you longer. I don't know where your calorie goal is but lower is not better and make sure you are eating back your exercise calories. Netting 1200-1300 calories a day will make you lose weight but it's neither healthy nor sustainable. Good luck to you again and I hope you choose to do this in a healthy manner.
  • Moonbeem11
    Moonbeem11 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome and good luck in your journey. I wanted to suggest trying "Dr Zevia". Zevia is a soda you can get at some health food stores or probably online if you can't find it. It's a bit pricey but depends how addicted you are to soda. Even just to wean yourself off. It's made with a natural sweetener - stevia, and something else that's not too bad. No calories and doesnt have that diet soda taste although it doesnt taste like sugar either. Most importantly, any diet or regular sodas are so bad because they have harmful chemicals.
  • gtheflea
    gtheflea Posts: 19
    Welcome and good luck in your journey. I wanted to suggest trying "Dr Zevia". Zevia is a soda you can get at some health food stores or probably online if you can't find it. It's a bit pricey but depends how addicted you are to soda. Even just to wean yourself off. It's made with a natural sweetener - stevia, and something else that's not too bad. No calories and doesnt have that diet soda taste although it doesnt taste like sugar either. Most importantly, any diet or regular sodas are so bad because they have harmful chemicals.

    This is some of the greatest advice I have had yet!! I knowit sounds silly, but I am craving Dr. Pepper haha. Thanks for this, definitely going to look into it.
  • gtheflea
    gtheflea Posts: 19
    Good luck to you. That is very ambitious. Just a couple tips. Typically when someone trys to lose a lot of weight extremely fast it doesn't stay off because you've have to do such drastic measures to obtain the goal. If you want to lose the weight in a healthy and sustainable way, it will take you longer. I don't know where your calorie goal is but lower is not better and make sure you are eating back your exercise calories. Netting 1200-1300 calories a day will make you lose weight but it's neither healthy nor sustainable. Good luck to you again and I hope you choose to do this in a healthy manner.

    Yeah I have heard this a lot, thanks for the concern. I am going to start at 1,200 I think, but hopefully will increase before my weight loss has been achieved. As long as I work hard to burn more than I eat, I am going to be happy with myself :-) Once again, thanks for the advice.
  • gtheflea
    gtheflea Posts: 19
    Hey! I'm currently 171.6 pounds and 5 ft 1 inch, and I would like to lose appr 35 lbs. And If I have been working out about 4 times a week also. I would love to look at least kind of good in a bathing suit by the end of summer!!

    Good luck in your journey !!!

    I am sure if you work hard enough you could look better than kind of good in your bathing suit by the end of summer. If you work hard, you will feel your confidence growing, I already am! :-) Good luck x