Success with exercise and little dieting?

Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
I want to hear from people who have been succesful from mostly exercise and not so much "dieting". I am not talking about eating junk food and whatever they wanted, but just eating a normal diet but adding more exercise.

I have cut way back on the junk I eat and I basically follow what I hate to eat based on my calorie limit for the day, etc. I work out a lot, a lot of cardio and a lot of weights. People I work with are telling me I shouldn't bother working out because it is all about what I am eating and that I should probably drink 2 protein shakes a day, one meal and one snack, and then I would lose weight.

I want to prove them wrong. That I CAN eat "normally" and work out to burn calories and lose weight that way.

Any proof to my theory, I would like to see pics!


  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I eat normally and am still losing weight.
    I've gone through periods where I've gone low carb or eaten very low calorie, but now I eat 1600 calories per day (which I struggle to meet sometimes if I'm honest) and eat whatever I want, just in moderation.
    It's perfectly achievable to do with the right attitude and a lot of cardio exercises. But you DO need to be eating less calories than you burn overall in order to lose.

    If you haven't already worked checked out the TDEE method, check this out;
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am certain it can be done but it doesn't work for me. I had much better luck with controlling my diet and adding movement to my daily routine. I guess if you can keep working out hard everyday for the rest of your life exercise alone can get you there and keep you there, but I know I can't promise an hour a day forever. I can watch my diet everyday though and I can be a bit more active on my own schedule so for a busy mom controlling what I eat is easier than scheduling in extra time for training.
  • Cheryl188
    Cheryl188 Posts: 114 Member
    It's doable. I lost my first 40lbs with exercise alone. Granted, I worked out 3hrs/week with a trainer (intense weights/cardio) and 3hrs/week on my own (light cardio). That much was hard to maintain for me. Now I'm on a healthy meal plan and exercising about 4hrs/week (various activities).
  • lsmsrbls
    lsmsrbls Posts: 232 Member
    I lost 50 lbs on mfp in one year eating the same foods I'd always eaten in roughly the same amounts (I did not count calories prior to joining mfp). That was in agreement with my goals. I was previously sedentary and I attribute becoming sedentary to the gain in weight and incorporating exercise with the loss in weight.

    I recently changed my diet (though I haven't changed my caloric goals), but most of the weight I've lost was without any diet modification.
  • KyliAnne26
    KyliAnne26 Posts: 209 Member
    You can totally prove them wrong. I'm proof that exercising and eating normal can still work to lose weight (I don't touch protein shakes, blah). I specifically work out every day so that I can eat what I want. If I know I want to go out to a restaurant and eat pizza, beer and frozen yogurt (As I did yesterday, lol) then I just work out until I have enough calories saved up to do so. If I know I just want to have a normal day, I only burn 250-300 cals and its enough so that I don't have to go hungry at all that day.

    With this being said, I'm a pretty healthy eater in general. I don't eat a whole lot of processed or high calorie foods. I love fruits and veggies. Feel free to add me if you'd like to keep up with my food and exercise logging!!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I've never had a protein shake in my life and doubt I ever will. Weight loss is about a caloric deficit. You can create that deficit by eating fewer calories, burning more calories or a combo of the two. I eat normal food. No shakes; no smoothies, no supplements, nothing fancy-organic-just regular food. And I run. And when I keep to my calorie goal (through diet and/or exercise), I lose.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Well if your idea of a normal diet is eating at or below your TDEE then you will be fine. If your normal diet caused you to be overweight, your normal diet consisted of more calories than your body needs.
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    I don't diet...I eat all the foods I used to eat just in smaller proportions and I don't eat as much junk. I exercise 6 days a week and I am proof that it works. It's a lifestyle change, so do what works for you. In the past 3 months I have lost 19.6 lbs and 13.75" in total doing this. Here is a link to my pictures to show my progress too. It can be done!
  • bymyslf892
    bymyslf892 Posts: 114 Member
    Nope... I didn't start losing weight consistently until I cleaned up my diet. You don't have to be perfect but you do need to make healthful decisions!
  • Madaly320
    Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
    when I say "normal" I mean I am not eating salads for lunch and dinner. I am eating normal food. I am not talking junk and processed food as normal.

    I do track on MFP and I eat below my TDEE. I kicked up my exercise to increase my weight loss but the people at work tell me not to even bother working out, that it is a waste of time and I would lose weight just by eating less.

    I guess I just want to see photos and hear stories from people who did not eat like a bird in order to lose weight, and simply ate less than their TDEE . but also kicked up their exercise.
  • eastonna
    eastonna Posts: 30 Member
    I went from 163lbs to 138lbs with no dieting at all, I've always ate fairly healthy though I did have a minor potato chip addiction. I did Turbo Fire 5-7 times a week and that was it. Once I added in diet I dropped another 10lbs in about 2.5 months. It's definitely doable to lose weight with exercise alone but I found my body fat didn't get down a lot until I added in diet.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I think it depends on how much you have to lose and what your goal "look" is, if you're very close to goal, you have to be a lot more careful with your diet to get that "fit" look I think. I'm trying to get my dumb stomach to look better, and it does not happen with exercise alone, at all, for me anyway.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Creating a calorie deficit causes weight loss. You can create this deficit by diet, or by exercise, or by a combination of them both.
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    I guess I'm going to give the opposite opinion. Because when I first started my weight loss journey, I lost all 60 lbs with NO exercise at all and it was all diet alone. 80% diet 20% exercise! Abs are made in the kitchen. My before and after pics of my stomach are insanely different just from diet alone because I watched what I ate. Yes I counted calories but no I did not eat a salad for lunch and dinner. I ate out every now and then. Mostly on the weekends actually and wings were my weakness when we went out. You just have to have portion control. But I NEVER worked out during the year it took me to lose the 60 lbs. It was strictly my diet alone! Good luck!
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Don't understand how you could lose weight by drinking protein shakes, the people you are speaking to sound like they don't have a clue what they are talking about.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I would check out this group:

    A lot of these people are doing what you want to do. Eating at a VERY small deficit (with normal foods) and working out/ lifting weights. What you might find is that rather than lose weight, you lose inches. Which, in my opinion, is just as good if not better because you're maintaining lean muscle mass while losing fat.

    Again, take a look at this group and see if that's what you're aiming for.

    Hope this helps and all best!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Don't understand how you could lose weight by drinking protein shakes, the people you are speaking to sound like they don't have a clue what they are talking about.

    You can lose weight drinking protein shakes, you are just doing it on a cut of calories, not a bulk.
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    Initially, I cleaned up my food quality ie food pyramid, less snacking and added exercise- I lost 4 kg (at that stage 20kg to lose to normal BMI).

    I then stalled and came onto MFP to check how much I was eating- I was sub 1200 calories/day, which freaked me out, so have fixed it up. Your body may be different, but you might want to check how much you are eating.
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    You can also lose weight going to MacDonalds every day, doesn't mean that you WILL lose weight by eating there which is I'm guessing what her colleagues meant. Protein shakes play no role in weight loss, they are just used as a supplement to help people reach their protein goals which is what I was stating.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    It has never worked for me. My appetite just seems to adjust so that the more I exercise, the more I eat. It doesn't matter if I'm sedentary or very active, healthy eating, vegetarian, vegan, etc.

    However, I think there are health benefits for exercise, so I do it even if it doesn't help with weight loss. (And I think there is some evidence to show that it does help alongside diet, even if it doesn't do anything for weight loss on its own).
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