More or less calories?

Bit of history. Started officially trying to lose weight March 2012. Managed to lose around 15-25lbs in a year. It was slow but I was OK with that as I'd taken a few months off in Autumn.
I lost the weight by putting my calories to 1200. Using a pedometer and walking for about half an hour 5 times a week. I also did a few fitness DVD's like 30 day shred and used the Wii fit a bit. Nothing dramatic. As an average, I burned around 800 calories a week. But this was estimation. I attempted the famous couch 25k but couldn't even run for 15 seconds, nevermind 60.

Now I'm a bit more serious about losing weight. I currently weigh around 155lbs. I am only 4 foot 11 inches tall (149cm) so I am still 'obese' for my height. However my overall goal is to get my BMI to 24, or to get to a level of fitness where I am very comfortable with myself (whichever happens first).
I was given a heart rate monitor (Polar FT4 I think?), and I have used it 6 days a week, every week since Christmas day. The first few days shocked me, I realised how little I was burning and how I needed to up the heart rate more. So I did just that.
With my weight a little better I have started c25k again, which makes me burn 230 a go, I'm only on week 2 so I imagine the calories will up again with every week. I do this 3 times a week. I also go for long walks (over an hour) at least twice a week and do dancing 1 day a week, bringing my total days of exercise up to 6 days a week. On the walking days I burn around 400, the c25k, as I said before, I burn around 230 but I then walk for a further 30 mins to get it up to 350ish. The dancing I do is for 90 minutes and is hardcore, I generally burn around 600 calories. I have a total burn every week of at least 2250.
My food is currently at 1600. I also eat half of my calories back. My net is normally 1400-1800, some days it's more, some it's less.
I have been prescribed orlistat (xenical/alli) and this seems to be fine with me, no horrible side effects. I am currently eating around 35g of fat every day to help the medication work.
My protein is normally around 100-120g and my carbs are at around 200. I have tried upping my protein to 150 but I never hit it, even when I really try, I just end up going over all my calories in trying to up my protein to more than it is. I don't like beef. And we are on a huge budget, so often eat value ranges like smart price and tesco value.

My weight loss is slow. I'd like to speed it up to 1lb a week at least. I'd be very happy with 2lb a week. How can I achieve this?