Tell me off! Please!

I need a kick in the butt, really I do.

I am trying hard to eat right and excersise but it doesnt seem to help...

I work in a new cafe as the supervisor/manager/barista, I get free lunch at work so I try and keep it healthy, and my coffee's are made with trim milk and I dont add any sugar. At home I have cleared out the cubboards of all of my partners treats so I dont get tempted and stocked them with healthy alternatives, and when I get home from work my only snack is a freshly made fruit smootie.

But I am simply not losing any weight. I havent lost any weight for months now and I dont understand why. I'd love for someone to have a look at my diary and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I dont log my water intake here, but I drink a minimum of 3 big glasses of water a day, and I always try and drink more if I can.

Any feedback is appreciated really!

*edited to take out a small section that has given the wrong impression about my situation*


  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Your diary isn't open so we can't see it.

    I will say one thing though, you need to stop giving all these excuses as to why you aren't motivated or sticking at this. Because they are just that, excuses.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I have changed my privacy settings to public, so you should be able to see it.

    I dont see them as excuses, I am simply explaining what my current situation is.
    Eventhough I am not feeling motivated I still do my excersises, an excuse would mean that I dont do my excersise...
  • a_claire
    a_claire Posts: 61
    I don't really see anything fresh in your diet. You should really be incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Stay away from the packaged food, and from carry-out/restaurant food. Your sodium readings are WAY too high. Also, make sure you're logging exercise calories correctly. If you're using what MFP says, you could be logging for way more than you actually burn.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    I don't really see anything fresh in your diet. You should really be incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Stay away from the packaged food, and from carry-out/restaurant food. Your sodium readings are WAY too high. Also, make sure you're logging exercise calories correctly. If you're using what MFP says, you could be logging for way more than you actually burn.

    Weird you think that, because most of my food is fresh fruit and veggies, I dont use much packaged food at all.... though sometimes I log something that is similar to what I eat because I cannot find it on here... I am definitly trying to lower my sodium intake, yesterday was a very bad day for that. I get my excersise calories from my excersise machines not from mfp. Though I am interested in getting a heart rate monitor to make it even more accurate.

    Thanks for your feedback!
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    It's a lifestyle. You learn as you go. I only went back a week but I noticed your sodium, fat & sugar were quite high on several days. Try to eat more fresh veggies, at least 3 a day, preferably more. I would also decrease the carbs & increase the protein. Keep a close watch on condiments. Read labels! Make slow changes. Focus. If you want it, take it. It's not going to come to you. Good luck.

    Edited to say.... Be patient.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I don't really see anything fresh in your diet. You should really be incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Stay away from the packaged food, and from carry-out/restaurant food. Your sodium readings are WAY too high. Also, make sure you're logging exercise calories correctly. If you're using what MFP says, you could be logging for way more than you actually burn.

    Weird you think that, because most of my food is fresh fruit and veggies, I dont use much packaged food at all.... though sometimes I log something that is similar to what I eat because I cannot find it on here... I am definitly trying to lower my sodium intake, yesterday was a very bad day for that. I get my excersise calories from my excersise machines not from mfp. Though I am interested in getting a heart rate monitor to make it even more accurate.

    Thanks for your feedback!

    Exercise machine estimates are usually very bad.

    And if you aren't measuring the actual food you eat and logging it, you need to start. Food scale and measuring cups are a must!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    The general things that are found when people post on the forums that they are not losing weight are they aren't logging EVERYTHING, they are underestiamting portions or calories, or they are overestiamting calories burned. It could also be that you caloric defict goals are off. One last concept thrown out is usually that you may acutally not be eating enough overall to keep your metabolism at an optimal level.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    And if you are in Arizona swing by and I will kick your butt.
  • Autumnsun26
    Autumnsun26 Posts: 83 Member
    Honestly you are not going to see a weight loss eating high amounts of sugar, and fat, along with crazy amounts of sodium.

    Limit your carbs. I eat around 150 a day.

    Limit your sugars. You are only supposed to have 30 a day.

    Increase your protein.

    It is probably very difficult in your work environment. But maybe you need to pack a lunch :/
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    OP I work in a fast food restaurant where there are VERY limited options for healthy (I can't list the name here do to some "online communication privacy blah blah blah" sheet they had me sign, but you can guess it's a big name and not healthy lol). Up until recently I was a manager so I understand that the temptations are even harder when the food is free because if you are like me, why bother spending extra money on food when it's free at work, right? Well I said enough was ENOUGH!! And I got sick of it! To be honest, I didn't even LIKE the food anymore!! Now I bring my lunch to work and although people tease me for bring food into a restaurant, I'm 5 lbs from my goal weight so obviously this method is working lol.

    Okay now I don't think I need to give you a butt kick or tell you off. First off a butt kick is usually reserves for those people who aren't exercising and from your post I will assume that you are exercising still? Telling you off won't work either because I honestly thought I would open your diary and see 1200 calories (which yes works for some but for most people... no lol). But you are eating more (woot!).

    So what do you need?
    1. PATIENCE- Your profile says you have yo-yo dieted before. Since you know that, make it a point to NOT give up!!
    2. ACCOUNTABILITY- I see you have logged the past little while (since April 27 I think?) but it's important to log everything (as best as you can) everyday. I know this can seem pointless but seriously it is NOT pointless! I swear by this!
    3. CONSISTANCY- this goes along with logging. When your body is used to eating your calorie goal you will realise you start feeling "full" sooner :)
    4. GOALS- Many people have long term goals, but do you have short term goals? And rewards for these? :) Check out my profile for examples. They have kept me on track and focused!
    5. PICTURES- even if you dread the camera, photos are important to have. You don't have to make them public. I save most of mine on my desk top. But later on when you are having days that you feel like you have gotten no where's and you want to give up, those photos will remind you of the progress :)
    6. MEASUREMENTS- many people use the scale, but some forget measurements are important as well! Sometimes the scale won't budge but you can still lose inches :)
    7. SUPPORT- that's where MFP comes in :) Add people on your friends list and if you need support or are tempted to quit, ask for help :) If possible, see if you can get a friend to exercise or take walks with you :)
    8. MOTIVATING FACTOR- you need to figure out why you want to lose weight and what is keeping you from losing weight. Many people try to lose weight but give up because they just can't find that one thing that says "I'M DOING IT!!" Find your reason and keep focused on that! Maybe write it down? Then when you feel like giving up you can read it out again and use it to keep going! :)

    Hope this helps. Feel free to friend request if you would like :)
  • insanitylater
    insanitylater Posts: 10 Member
    if you have your activity level set to active maybe try lowering it to lightly active. you may need fewer than 2,043 calories a day

    if the scale isn't moving. you need to adjust the variables
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Thanks everyone for your feedback!

    My activity level is set to lightly active already :)

    The cafe is work at focuses on healthy food and I'm the one preparing most of it so I know what goes in and I make my meals extra healthy. Though I do indeed need to be more consistent in what I eat. I admit I have probebly a few to many snacks sometimes. and that all adds up eventhough some might be healthy. The reason why I havent logged for a long time is due to family issues during wich I completly gave up and gained the few kg's I had managed to lose while I was active on here.

    Yes I have had some bad days the past 2 weeks but I am slightly improving by adding more healthy stuff to my daily routine, I need to do it in a way that will be something I can maintain for the rest of my life.

    I have measuring cups and spoons and I do measure most of what I eat, but sometimes it is just not possible because I am not the one cooking, though I have a pretty good idea of how much is a cup, and often when I am unsure I logg extra just to make sure I dont underestimate.

    Again thanks everyone!
  • wingsabr
    wingsabr Posts: 10 Member
    Checked your diary and two things jumped out right away (note that these are wholly related)

    Your sodium intake is off the charts and I notice the majority of your food is processed. Take a relaxing afternoon off and research sodium, its affects on the body, the amounts in processed food and you'll see the connection. Cut out the sodium, processed food and eat more whole foods - think vegetables, fruit, whole grains.

    Also, you have a comeback for everyone that's offered help so consider kicking your own butt ;)
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member

    Also, you have a comeback for everyone that's offered help so consider kicking your own butt ;)

    I agree with the others about your sodium, carbs, sugar and processed foods. And lastly, this^^^
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You are a naughty, dirty girl and you need to be punished for not losing weight and for listening to some of the people in this thread. Time for your spanking.

    Wait, did you mean a different kind of telling off?

    You should be following a roughly 40/30/30 macro spread. Ultimately calories are king though, so if you are eating too many carbs/fats you would still lose weight. Sodium just contributes to water weight.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member

  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    Checked your diary and two things jumped out right away (note that these are wholly related)

    Your sodium intake is off the charts and I notice the majority of your food is processed. Take a relaxing afternoon off and research sodium, its affects on the body, the amounts in processed food and you'll see the connection. Cut out the sodium, processed food and eat more whole foods - think vegetables, fruit, whole grains.

    Also, you have a comeback for everyone that's offered help so consider kicking your own butt ;)

    Lol, yes I like replying to as many people as possible personally, as they have taken the time and effort to post here so I feel they deserve a reply.

    It is indeed suprising how much sodium is in some of the things I eat, I thought I was making some good changes but maybe I should reconsider some of the things I have been doing haha.
  • shadowlydarkness
    shadowlydarkness Posts: 243 Member
    You are a naughty, dirty girl and you need to be punished for not losing weight and for listening to some of the people in this thread. Time for your spanking.

    Wait, did you mean a different kind of telling off?

    You should be following a roughly 40/30/30 macro spread. Ultimately calories are king though, so if you are eating too many carbs/fats you would still lose weight. Sodium just contributes to water weight.

    What do you mean with 40/30/30 spread?
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member

    Also, you have a comeback for everyone that's offered help so consider kicking your own butt ;)

    I thought they were actually a further explanation of her situation and she seems open to the suggestions.

    Since everyone else commented on the food I looked at your exercise diary. I do not know what kind of shape you are currently in, but unless it is pretty bad walking at a slow pace doesn't cut it for a serious workout. There is that a few short bursts of circuit training, 1 day when you swam some laps, and light housekeeping.

    I do not mean this in a mean way, but am seriously asking: are you breaking a sweat? getting up a good sweat? sore at all the day after? If not, and if there is not a medical reason holding you back, you need to get serious on the exercise end. Try underestimating your calorie burn from exercise or not eating back all your exercise calories to allow for margin of error on both food calories and calories burned.