My 6 week challenge



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Day 4-I had the choice of either a 2 mile run or cross training. I decided on cross training. Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning, AWESOME!!! I love that workout. The big thing I like about it is that we do not repeat any moves and it just keeps going. BURN BABY BURN!!! I burned 673 calories in 48 mins that is amazing. Who knew that updating your HRM would such a BIG difference? It was a great workout. The weird thing about tonite was that I actually worked out with one eye. LOL I lost my left contact right before I started and I did not want to open a new one for just an hour or so. So I decided to just do without until tomorrow morning. It was a little awkward at first, but I got use to it and made it through rather well.

    Now, I am ready for bed. I hope that every had a wonder Thursday and may Friday bring GREAT THINGS!!! :bigsmile:
    Nicely Done!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hope everyone have a safe and happy holiday not holiweekend remember all the hard work you put in the whole week don't blow it on one weekend or what ever you do make sure it's something your not going to beat yourself up about the next day!!

    A few friendly tips:
    Drink a cup of water between drinks (if you chose to drink)
    Try maybe having the burger minus the bun
    Use a smaller plate
    Drink you water people before after and during a meal!!!:smile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hope everyone have a safe and happy holiday not holiweekend remember all the hard work you put in the whole week don't blow it on one weekend or what ever you do make sure it's something your not going to beat yourself up about the next day!!

    A few friendly tips:
    Drink a cup of water between drinks (if you chose to drink)
    Try maybe having the burger minus the bun
    Use a smaller plate
    Drink you water people before after and during a meal!!!:smile:

    Great reminders.

    I hope you have a beautiul and safe weekend. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I am feeling really good. I have eaten clean all week and started my half-marathon training this week. It has been a great week. I am feeling more confident in my own skin. I am feeling sexy and am able to wear the clothes that I have always wanted to wear. I just overall feel fantastic. I don't really remember every feeling this way before and it is new to me. Today I am wearing a top I purchased a while back from Body Central. When I got it in, it was WAY too small for me. Now I can wear it and I look good in it. My mail man's comment to me today was, "wow, you look sexy today." That was really nice to hear. I don't want to hide anymore. I want everyone to see me, it is a weird and wonderful feeling.

    I have a gig tomorrow nite and I am going to wear another top similar to the one I am wearing today and can't wait to show off a little.

    Just to try to get you all to understand a little about me. I use to be really shy and quiet, not anymore. with this new found confidence I am loud and proud. I know in some ways that can be bad, and in most cases it is great. I am just glad to finally feel something again, even if I don't really know what to do with it yet. LOL

    You all can do it too. We all have it in us to get to where we want to be, we just have to find that right motivation and support to continue to get there. Please don't ever give up on yourself. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

    I hope everyone has a safe and beautiful weekend. :bigsmile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Jen that's an awesome feeling and can't wait to be there. You've earned every minute so embrace the new you with pride. I have an whole closet full of smaller clothes I brought last mother's day just waiting for me to get into and I can't wait to be abl to flaunt myself around especially when I have family members telling me you don't need to lose anymore!! Why do you want o be a size 6? You know once you get there you not going to maintain it anyway whew I sure do have alot of people in my corner you think LOL!!

    Bottom line you have worked so hard to be where you are and right now you may be still working out all the kinks the great thing is you are there and let noone take that or make you feel any different. Congrats on all your success!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Jennifer, congrats you are my inspiration right now (that and the 5K I am going to run on September 11th). I started out with the same amount of weight to lose as you and have lost 20ish pounds so far (I don't know exactly how much I have lost because I don't own a scale right now and am currently judging by pants size). I have gotten stuck several times of my weight loss/new life journey. I started MFP last year, after losing about 5 pounds on my own, lost another 5 using this site, then my husband went into the hospital. I spent two solid weeks in the hospital eating at the McDonalds there and gained about 5 pounds back. I never got back into the swing of calorie counting.

    I started tracking my calories again around summer time, I did that for around 4 or 5 months and lost another 15. Then school got really hard towards the end of fall and I stopped counting calories. Then I started an internship at a tax firm. Through tax season I worked +40 hours a week and drove an hour and a half each way. There was also a lot of temptation because they provided all the free candy and chips a girl could ever dream of. During that time I gained another 5-ish pounds back. It is hard for me to stick to my diet because my husband is on a low residue diet because of his crohns disease.This means he is not allowed to eat fresh vegetables or fruit, whole grains, or nuts. Basically anything that is high in fiber stresses is GI tract too much, so meat and white carbs are his staples, so that stuff is around the house all of the time. He is also trying to gain weight because people with crohns tend to lose significant amounts of weight so there is always ice cream. I have managed to eat healthy for about month now with the occaisional slip up. I have also been working out pretty consistently during that time. I feel really great right now, but I am so afraid that I will not be able to keep it up when times get tough. My husband has been admitted to the hospital 4 times in the last year each time for atleast a week. This has been stressful, and everytime he has gone in I have gained weight due to the available hospial food. He started a new medication now that has been working pretty well so far, so I am very hopeful right now. The great news is that the past few times I have given into temptation it has made me feel physically sick, so I am not nearly as tempted.

    P.S. Sorry for the crazy long, sort of whiny post. I started and I just couldn't quit writing. It was very catartic. I know I can be succesful in losing the weight with people like you guys here to inspire me.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 5- 30 min strength training and 3 mile run. It was good strength training, I was able to have Jon around to make sure I was using proper form. It felt good, because I was definitely pushing myself with the weight. He has set up a little something for the upper body on the days of training that asks for strength training. I told him what I wanted to work on and he has set me up. My triceps are still a little sore from Monday. LOL I know tomorrow my shoulders will be sore. I really do like strength training, I am starting to feel stronger again. I guess I do miss P90X and the push that Tony does. Can't wait to start a hybrid with him. After this training I will do that.

    Then I did my 3 mile run. It really went well. It was not at all humid like it was Monday nite and I can say that made it so much easier. I did not feel like I was going to collapse. I brought my Mp3 player with me and I actually realized after mile 2 that it was distracting me and my rhythm. So I took it off and was able to run faster and keep my breathe going. So, unless I am just messing around and/or walking no Mp3 player while running. And guess what?????? I beat Monday's time by almost an entire 2 mins. WHOOOHOOO!!! That felt AWESOME!!!

    Tomorrow is my long run, 4 miles. I have asked Jon to run with me to keep me going. Now that I know I can keep a pretty good pace with 3 miles, we will see if I can finish 4 miles. Kinda scary, but will be great when I finish. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Jennifer that's an awesome feeling and can't wait to be there. You've earned every minute so embrace the new you with pride. I have an whole closet full of smaller clothes I brought last mother's day just waiting for me to get into and I can't wait to be abl to flaunt myself around especially when I have family members telling me you don't need to lose anymore!! Why do you want o be a size 6? You know once you get there you not going to maintain it anyway whew I sure do have alot of people in my corner you think LOL!!

    Bottom line you have worked so hard to be where you are and right now you may be still working out all the kinks the great thing is you are there and let noone take that or make you feel any different. Congrats on all your success!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Thanx :blushing: I really appreciate that.

    I know how hard it can be to do something for yourself and not have everyone behind you. It can be tough. I am glad that you are here and we can help you along the way, and I know that you will fit in those clothes sooner than you think. Keep up the good work you are doing and someday soon you will start to feel and see the changes right before your eyes.

    Have a beautiful and safe weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    P.S. Sorry for the crazy long, sort of whiny post. I started and I just couldn't quit writing. It was very catartic. I know I can be succesful in losing the weight with people like you guys here to inspire me.

    No need to apologize. We are all here to help each other out, with whatever we need help with. It does sound like it can definitely be hard for you at times. But it seems like you are understanding what needs to be done when something goes array. When ever you feel you need someone to listen and then to push you, do not hesitate to come here. We all fall off the wagon sometimes and sometimes it is really hard to get back on. I am a pusher and will make you get back in the wagon, because you deserve this, remember? If not only for you, for your husband. See, if you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of your husband. It is a cycle. I know you can do this. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.

    Have a safe and beautiful weekend. :bigsmile:
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Alright a great day and workout got in 100 more push ups and all my water plus I did insanity cardio core and balance

    I have gone to 2 end of the season parties and have gone without eating any of the food being served. Today is officially 7 weeks from my birthday I am stil holding out hope for my birthday goal!!

    Wow! 100 push ups is impressive. I keep hearing about insanity and how crazy it is. I will have to try it at some point. Sounds like you are doing great. My birthday is next week, and my goal is to not cheat too much on my b-day.

    PS. We have about the same amount of weight to lose.
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Day 5 went really well. I walked and ran 3 miles again. I also stayed within my calories, and ate really clean, high-quality food. Today I am hoping to get out and run, but I am not sure about the weather. Any suggestions for indoor workouts that are within my fitness level, and that will help me towards my 5K goal.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 5 went really well. I walked and ran 3 miles again. I also stayed within my calories, and ate really clean, high-quality food. Today I am hoping to get out and run, but I am not sure about the weather. Any suggestions for indoor workouts that are within my fitness level, and that will help me towards my 5K goal.

    Keep up the good work. I know how hard it can be to stay on track and you are doing AWESOME!!!

    If you have cable on demand, see if you can find something interesting to do. It is always nice to mix things up. I am not sure what you have in your library of workouts, but I like to have a mix. I don't know if you have looked at me website, but there are several different programs that might be of interest to you and you don't need a gym to use these programs.

    Take a look at it and let me know if you have any questions. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 6-Saturday Cross training. I decided to do Insanity Max Interval Plyometrics. I have to say that about 30 mins before I started my workout, I was not feeling too good. I still pushed play and got through the workout. I would say about about three quarters of the way through I started feeling better. At that point I was kinda exhausted, but I still just did my best. I felt much better once I was done. I did have a gig last nite as well. We actually sang outside and that was great. I did not get home and in bed until about 2am.

    Day 7-4 mile run. Woke up late, due to the gig. I was debating when to do it, so I just decided to go out and do it without thinking anymore. Okay, the layout of the run. approximately 1:30pm, the sun was shining and it was in the 90's. UGH!!! I did really good for those conditions. I found a great breathing pattern and just kept going. Now, when I turned around, that is when it got harder. That sun was just bearing down on me. I did walk maybe 5 minutes all together. So all in all it really wasn't so bad. I felt great my body is glad for doing it. I had my G2 ready and went and stood under a tree to cool down and stretch.

    I hope that everyone is having a great weekend. :bigsmile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Day 5 went really well. I walked and ran 3 miles again. I also stayed within my calories, and ate really clean, high-quality food. Today I am hoping to get out and run, but I am not sure about the weather. Any suggestions for indoor workouts that are within my fitness level, and that will help me towards my 5K goal.

    Great job keeping everything on track keep up the great work!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Day 6-Saturday Cross training. I decided to do Insanity Max Interval Plyometrics. I have to say that about 30 mins before I started my workout, I was not feeling too good. I still pushed play and got through the workout. I would say about about three quarters of the way through I started feeling better. At that point I was kinda exhausted, but I still just did my best. I felt much better once I was done. I did have a gig last nite as well. We actually sang outside and that was great. I did not get home and in bed until about 2am.

    Day 7-4 mile run. Woke up late, due to the gig. I was debating when to do it, so I just decided to go out and do it without thinking anymore. Okay, the layout of the run. approximately 1:30pm, the sun was shining and it was in the 90's. UGH!!! I did really good for those conditions. I found a great breathing pattern and just kept going. Now, when I turned around, that is when it got harder. That sun was just bearing down on me. I did walk maybe 5 minutes all together. So all in all it really wasn't so bad. I felt great my body is glad for doing it. I had my G2 ready and went and stood under a tree to cool down and stretch.

    I hope that everyone is having a great weekend. :bigsmile:

    Sounds like a very productive weekend awesome job!!
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Jennifer

    Back in 2004 I lost 60+lbs and last year I gained some of it back. So I went back to WW in October and have lost 29lbs since. I love the site and the people on there, but hate paying for it. The thing I am going to miss the most about the site is the message boards and the people on them. I built up quite a “Familia”, I talked to them every day, knew everything about all of them and I truly will miss that. So that being said, I am in need of some “Peeps”, and man oh man Jennifer do you ever remind me of one of my buddies on the WW message boards, very motivational and encouraging.

    I am loving this site so far, I am a HUGE exerciser, BUT I got into a car accident in April, and haven’t been able to do any since then…let me tell you it is VERY depressing. I (thankfully) have not gained any weight, I have actually lost some, and I fear it is muscle Im actually losing. I was really starting to see the definition in my tummy before the accident….Not anymore. I only have 7lbs to get to my goal of 135lbs and I am very excited about that. So although I cannot exercise with you guys, can I join your group to live vicariously through you all? I am hoping to at least introduce some walking in the next week or so, but I definitely cannot do anything too vigorous.

    I really need to ask.…what the heck is P90X, Brazil Butt Lift Bum Burn Rapido and Insanity? I was just about to start the Couch to 5K before I got into my accident….and I say TRY it, because I have a bit of a phobia about running. I think I may hurt myself (pretty well endowed). Just gotta find myself a REALLY supportive bra I guess or I may end up with two black eyes. Lol

    Is your fiancé a trainer?
    When are you getting married?
    Gig?….Are you a singer?
    Sorry if Im getting too personal. You can just tell me to back of lady.

    And soooo sorry for the super long post....I tend to talk

    Hope you have a fantastic day
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Wildechikk-I got on really late tonite. I will read your post and respond tomorrow morning. Have a great nite. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 8-3 mile run. Jon (my fiance') actually ran with me and it was kinda nice. Of course, he can run much faster than me and he was pushing me. On the last mile, I was actually able to stay with him most of the way. The first mile and a half there are two down hills and then of course, when we turn around for the last half, there are two up hills. UGH!!! The first one was not too bad, but the second one he pushed me to go harder. I can say that I was out of breathe once I got to the top, but I did it. I then just slowed my pace down to catch my breath. I only walked for maybe10 seconds all together. That was pretty kewl to be able to do.

    I do have to confess though. I did not eat good at all yesterday. Okay, maybe my breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner were good, but in between was AWFUL!!! I won't even mention the bad eats I had. I wouldn't even consider any of it food. It was just junk. UGH!!! I tell you though that the run made me feel better and not think about the past. Today is a new day and I have started it out right and I am ready for a great workout tonite.

    I have got to remember (and everyone else as well) that we may slip up on occasion, but that is okay. We are all human and make bad choices on occasion. We are here though and know what to do to get back on track. No looking back, just looking forward and pushing through the hard times. We can all do this and that is why we are here. To help each other through the hard times and keep moving.

    Have a great week everybody. Whatever you do, just remember that you are worth it. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi Jennifer

    Back in 2004 I lost 60+lbs and last year I gained some of it back. So I went back to WW in October and have lost 29lbs since. I love the site and the people on there, but hate paying for it. The thing I am going to miss the most about the site is the message boards and the people on them. I built up quite a “Familia”, I talked to them every day, knew everything about all of them and I truly will miss that. So that being said, I am in need of some “Peeps”, and man oh man Jennifer do you ever remind me of one of my buddies on the WW message boards, very motivational and encouraging.

    I am loving this site so far, I am a HUGE exerciser, BUT I got into a car accident in April, and haven’t been able to do any since then…let me tell you it is VERY depressing. I (thankfully) have not gained any weight, I have actually lost some, and I fear it is muscle Im actually losing. I was really starting to see the definition in my tummy before the accident….Not anymore. I only have 7lbs to get to my goal of 135lbs and I am very excited about that. So although I cannot exercise with you guys, can I join your group to live vicariously through you all? I am hoping to at least introduce some walking in the next week or so, but I definitely cannot do anything too vigorous.

    I really need to ask.…what the heck is P90X, Brazil Butt Lift Bum Burn Rapido and Insanity? I was just about to start the Couch to 5K before I got into my accident….and I say TRY it, because I have a bit of a phobia about running. I think I may hurt myself (pretty well endowed). Just gotta find myself a REALLY supportive bra I guess or I may end up with two black eyes. Lol

    Is your fiancé a trainer?
    When are you getting married?
    Gig?….Are you a singer?
    Sorry if Im getting too personal. You can just tell me to back of lady.

    And soooo sorry for the super long post....I tend to talk

    Hope you have a fantastic day

    First off congrats on your weight loss and being able to keep it off. Maintaining is just as hard as losing if not harder. Kudos to you. I did also do WW several years ago on my own and lost 43 lbs and then of course, gained it all back. LOL Now that I have lost that plus some, I am feeling pretty good about myself.

    I am really sorry about your accident. Are you in a wheelchair or just not mobile for the time being? I know how frustrating it can be not to do something when you want to. Maybe not in the same context as you, but I still understand. That is great that you are going to be able to get up and do some walking. I am cheering you on all the way. Can't wait to hear about your progress with it.

    Okay, P90X, Brazil Butt LIft and Insanity are products that have changed my life. You can do to my website and check them out. In fact I will message some information to you. They might not be the right program for you right now, but that does not mean that you can't work up to them. Once your doctor clears you for more vigorous exercising, I would love to help you out to find the right (and fun) workout program for you. On the running with C25K, I did actually do that and loved it. I didn't think I could really do it and now I am training for a half-marathon. I still can't wrap my head around that. LOL When you are able to get to that point again, I recommend using two sportsbras. I know that is what a lot of women do, in the same situation as you. :tongue:

    Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing. I am glad you are here with us. Have a beautiful week. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Is your fiancé a trainer?
    When are you getting married?
    Gig?….Are you a singer?
    Sorry if Im getting too personal. You can just tell me to back of lady.

    Sorry, forgot to answer your questions.

    No, Jon is not a trainer, but he has transformed his own body and kinda knows what he is doing. So I let him help me and it worked. LOL
    August 28, 2010 is our wedding date. Less than 3 months away. AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
    Yes, I am a singer. I so love to entertain people. This is actually my very first ever band and it is a lot of fun. :bigsmile:

    Not too personal at all. I don't mind answering questions. :wink: