Just weights and no carbs?! What?

So I was talking to my friend who a SUPER FIT cross train instructor and his words of advice were to stop eating carbs (he said stop with the wheat which is a little different I know) and not to worry about cardio, but just focus on heavy lifting. Has anyone tried this and it worked? Does anyone have any more advice on this topic? And I am still going to do it! I'll let everyone know if its working or not!


  • jjkarnitz
    jjkarnitz Posts: 55
    Hmm. I suppose it depends on how much weight you have to lose. When I started Chalean Extreme (heavy weights 3 times per week) I also did cardio with it and I really think I needed the extra calorie burn the cardio provided.

    But the weight lifting workouts burned 200-300 calories on their own. Plus, Chalene is always saying that muscle burns fat, so maybe that is what your friend is referring to.

    I have just recently cheated a bit and added Ezekiel bread but otherwise no wheat and I try to keep carbs to 40% of daily intake. I do believe keeping the wheat out makes a huge difference. Good luck and keep posting, I'd love to hear if this plan works for you.