Feeling impatient



  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    It goes by a lot quicker than you think. I used to get discouraged by how long it would take, but when I thought of the alternative, gaining several lbs a year, it really seemed like anything was better than that. It also helps to think this is a life change, so even if you did get to your final goal overnight, you'd still need to keep up with those life style changes. So no real point rushing what you'll be continuing.

    Personally I think going slower helps with readjusting mentally anyways. While I was impatient at first, I really felt it was easier to wrap my mind around the new me by slowly adapting. Also, you should remind yourself that you are totally awesome no matter what stage you're at. You deserve to love yourself at your starting weight, after losing 5lbs, 20lbs, goal weight, etc. In fact, think of these changes as proof that you like your body and want to treat it well so it'll be around for a long time. Rather than counting down, check off each day and think, "today I worked hard and treated myself well". Each day is a huge success. The rest will come in time, don't worry about it.

    that is very true. the last thing i want to do is to gain more weight and end up at my heaviest ever. i still can't believe i gained so much weight back the first time. i wish i could go back and tell myself that being stuck at 229lbs is just fine!

    i also think you are right about adjusting mentally. i went to a buffet last weekend and of course there was lots of desserts there. normally i prob would have got a dinner plate and got a bunch of dessert and stuffed myself. this time i got a 1 x 2 inch (honestly, it was tiny) piece of cake. and i ate it very slowly and enjoyed it. small thing but still makes a difference.