coming back to the gym after two months off

Hi, I injured my knee at the gym back in march. I was running, took a weirdo step, felt something in my knee but continued to work out anyway. I haven't been back to the gym since. I went to an orthopedic, they told me nothing and just gave me a big brace.(never going back there ever again) I was thinking about starting back at the gym may 20th but i'm not exactly sure how. I was working out about 4-5 times a week for about an hour and a half and doing a lot of cardio. Obviously I can't do that. Since i'm starting up again after a long break how many times a week should i go? I'm not completely sure how my knee is going to feel when working out. My knee is okay most of the day but when i'm on my feet for a long time like at work or something it starts to hurt. May 20th is two weeks away so maybe it'll be better but i'm really eager to workout again. I also don't know which cardio i should do. I don't think running is a good idea right away. I feel like i gotta ease back into that. Should i do something light like the bike?


  • killforacupcake
    HI Renee

    I did the same approximatly a month ago and have just started back. The primary thing is to know your body and make sure that you don't re-injure or exasberabte your injury. Non-impact cario such as the bike or even the cross trainer would be best but easy back into training and see how much you can do.

    If your knee is still hurting just from standing you may need to re-assess as to wether you go back at all or just work on your upper body and core strength. Taking the time out to fully heal is better than going back for one session and re-injuring yourself and being out for another few weeks.

    Remember, pain is bad and if it hurts you need to stop!

    Best of luck :)