Giving Up



  • km017198
    km017198 Posts: 8 Member
    Focus on the nutritional content of the food more than the calories. What you are eating is more important than how many calories you are eating. Try to incorporate some raw vegetables into your diet. Throw away the sugar free jello.
  • IamBlackMamba
    IamBlackMamba Posts: 229
    So here I am in my third week as a user on MFP. I lost weight with no problem in the beginning. I am never overindulging, I am never far over my caloric intake, and I make sure to exercise at LEAST 3 times per week. WHY am I stuck at the same weight??? I know this is why I am where I am today. I tried in the past and when I didn't see the results of my hard work, I gave up.
    Is there anyone out there with this problem now or who has been in my shoes?? What on earth did you do to jump start the weight loss again?? I am asking because I am this close to throwing in the towel... again.
    And yes... I am a female. :sad:

    Later, then.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    It took me 3 years to lose 60 pounds, but I've kept it off.

    Weight loss doesn't happen in a linear fashion. In other words, you're not going to lose every week. One week may be 2 pounds, another week a half pound, and one week you may gain a pound. What matters is the loss over a lengthy period of time.

    Take it slow. Do it right. Don't rush it and don't under eat thinking you'll do it faster. Eating far less than you should is a sure-fire way to mess with your metabolism and stall out. That will also make it far easier to gain the weight back when you go on maintenance.
  • dennymau
    dennymau Posts: 118 Member
    Open your diary, I would be glad to help with advise that's helped me :smile:
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    I watch a 9 year old who expects a reward every time she makes her bed, feeds the cat, or does well on a test. I realized I was the same with weight loss. I put in the work, where's my reward? But, like I tell her, it doesn't work that way. Sometimes we work hard because its the right thing to do, and we still don't get a present or reward. You are doing the right thing. You are eating well and exercising. And you need to keep going whether you get an instant reward or not. Maybe you need to shake it up with exercise or food, but don't let yourself think about quitting just because you're not seeing a number on a scale. Sometimes the reward is knowing how hard you're fighting
  • Nixipop
    Nixipop Posts: 10 Member
    :smile: Hi
    First off, well done on your weight loss so far!! I've only been doing this for almost 8 weeks and lost nearly 12lb so be proud, I am!! I think positivity plays a big part in weight loss. The happier and more positive you are the easier it will be to continue on a daily basis. Some mornings I wake up, look in the mirror and think "why am I even bothering?" then buck up my ideas and change my mind to "well I can already see a slight difference so let's keep this going!"

    I dont know about you, but I drink a hell of a lot of tea and coffee. I've started to cut my daily intake of this down majorly to one or two cups a day and just make sure i'm drinking a hell of a lot of water (also drink water when you're hungry - it takes the edge off!!) and i found this made a difference to my weight loss, especially as when i felt i needed to snack i just had water instead.

    Also, I exercise 4-5 times a week and ALWAYS make sure I ONLY use my food calories. Are you using the calories you've burnt to eat more? If so, don't!! The calories you burn off should be used solely for that in my opinion - to BURN off, not eat more!!

    What do you find you're struggling with mostly?? Maybe if you break it down a bit and get down to what's really the hardest for you, you can focus on that to help you :) I can safely say that you're not alone though. I've dieted before on and off and never stuck to it. Make sure you're completely focused and motivated. Also make sure this is the diet for you as some people don't suit certain diets. Sorry for the essay I just hate seeing people wanting to give up!! Make sure your friends and family are helping too!! Good luck!! x :happy:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    not enough commitment for what results your looking for. work out more, eat right and youll get better results. its 30 times harder to lose than to gain lol

    This. If you're ready to call it quits after just three weeks, you aren't going to make it all the way.

  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    Who the hell are you?? Why even comment?? Later..... To you!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Who the hell are you?? Why even comment?? Later..... To you!!


    Who the hell is your comment in response to?

    Please be specific and precise. Ambiguity and imprecision ruins forum threads.
  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    Who the hell are you?? Why even comment?? Later..... To you!!


    Who the hell is your comment in response to?

    Please be specific and precise. Ambiguity and imprecision ruins forum threads.
    It was in response" to Iam Black Mamba"... see above
  • Healthynut31
    Healthynut31 Posts: 109 Member
    Thank you for all of your responses, even the not so nice ones. Sometimes tough love is what we need. This is an update to that post and I have decided to not give up and to try a little longer. No, I did not gain the weight over night, and I should not expect super human results. We are all human and make mistakes. I have made a ton and am willing to admit that and learn from them. Thanks to you all, and a special thanks to the new MFP friends I made in the process. Thanks again...
  • fightnxaggie
    There is always hope. :) Send me a friend request if want.