Insanity VS P90x

princesspurple Posts: 688
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I looked at a comparison chart for this and it seems they both work the whole body. Insanity is 60 days and X is 90 days. Does anyone have any feedback on this?

Really, is there a special formula or just harda$$ workouts on your own are just as good...running, plyometrics, weights, etc....


  • tairui2009
    tairui2009 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there ~

    I just finished Insanity, and am currently on the second "round". I have had tremendous results (down 25 pounds, and over 21 inches overall). The workouts are *very* intense ~ with the intent of bringing you to peak physical performance. Shaun T has a background in track and field, so many of the moves are drawn from that background. You'll burn a lot of calories in each workout, tons of fat ~ and your performance and endurance will be through the roof. I gained muscle in my legs, chest, and arms. My abs are really toned as well.

    P90X is a 90 day program, bringing you through three phases which are designed to shred fat, build muscle, and increase endurance. The cardio is about 1/10 of that in Insanity.. and in my opinion, you have to be really focused to get the same results on your own. I see that you're a runner ~ I would really recommend Insanity. You can check out my page if you want to see more about it..

    Also, if you want to check out my beachbody journal you can see my play by play on Insanity (and the brutal details lol)

    Take care!

    Tara Lemieux
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    It all depends on what your goals are. I'm doing P90X myself because I wanted overall fitness (strength, flexibility, balance, increase muscle mass, etc.) I'm not familiar with Insanity personally, but I've spoken to a few people who are currently doing it, and it seems to me like a more weight-loss in general type of program. From their description, so far, it's basically like a plyometric program on steroids.
  • jienelle
    jienelle Posts: 29
    A really simple difference between Insanity and P90x is that P90x has gadgets and Insanity doesn't. You could totally do the exercises without the videos. I would suggest that you rent them from someone that has them. Once you know how to do the exercises, you don't need the videos. I personally, bought Insanity and love it. I like having "someone" motivate me. And I like the fact that there are no gadgets - so I can take it with me wherever.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I am on round 2 of p90x, and have done some of the insanity. Insanity is definately more "hardcore" cardio, high intense. P90x uses more strength training with dumbells, but has cardio also. They BOTH are excellent workouts which ever you choose. I had great success with p90x and it is my favorite of the two. You can check out my p90x 90 day before and after pics in my profile.

    Good Luck!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    it's basically like a plyometric program on steroids.

    haha...that is so true!
  • Thank you for all of the great feedback! I can not access the page here from work. What is the cost difference?
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