how does my day look?

i've basically been eating exctly the same thing for quite a while now and i wanna change it up a bit. obviously this will vary slightly, especially at weekends, but this is what i plan to eat on a day to day basis, and i just want some opinions.

breakfast - 1 slice bread, 1 teaspoon nutella, 1 banana.
am snack - pot of grapes and yogurt
lunch - ham & egg salad
pm snack - granola bar
dinner - will varies but usually chicken and veg, pasta, sandwich, oatmeal... depends on what im doing that day and how many calories i have.

I try to exersize (swimming, walking, ripped in 30, elliptical trainer) at least 5 days a week and im 157lbs 5"3 at the moment. i eat 1400 cals a day.

am i going horribly wrong or does this look OK?