I was in my allowance but I just feel like I am eating so mu

This is probably me being paranoid but I did a lot of exercise today - this being my first day having joined the gym and it was really sunny so I also walked the 2.5 miles home afterwards - so I was allotted over 2300 calories and I ate around 2000 of them.

It just so happened that I met friends at a bar on the way home and we ended up having dinner there as well as a few snacks in front of the film we watched afterwards.

I guess I feel bad, even though I made sure I didn't exceed my calories because I ate even when I wasn't hungry - just because it seemed sociable and the food was so good and that is what the old Chloe would have done.

Even though today was alright calorie - wise I feel like I've caught a glimpse of what got me into this situation in the first place and I don't like it. I'm worried that I will never be able to change my old eating habits permanently and if ever I am faced with a situation where I can't exercise as much - for example when I decide to get pregnant, that I will put a lot of weight back on. I suppose I am just a bit worried that I will fall off the wagon again, like I have countless times before.


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Your last few sentences really caught me and made me want to reply. This is a big reason why I want to get in shape NOW. I'd love to have children but don't want to balloon and have to go through strenuous diet & exercise getting the baby weight off - plus, more stretch marks than are necessary, etc. My mother HEALTHFULLY gained 30-35 lbs. with each of my siblings and myself, which is a good number. As long as you are eating right now and working out, once you get pregnant, you should be safe and cleared from your doctor to continue your normal program to and possibly through your 2nd trimester because your body is already used to that kind of "toll". So don't worry about the future!!! Take care of your present, and the future will take care of itself... or you can take care of it once it IS your present!! Hope that helps.

    :happy: And don't worry about eating all those exercise calories... you are supposed to! Sure, they probably weren't the BEST calories... but you needed the energy and you'll burn it off anyway.
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    BeautifulScarsWECHANGED Posts: 749 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much since you were within your calorie count. And when you get pregnant, you can continue with whatever workout routine you've already started (no squats though or other related exercises). Since you're alreay on here, you can continue to count your calories adding an addition 300 to your daily allowance. Between the workout and watching what you eat, you shouldn't gain too much during pregnancy.

    Also, if you're interested into possibly finding the root to your eating problems, you're more that welcome to join the book club we're in. We just started....the book is called "Woman, Food and God" by Geneen Roth. Don't let the name fool you, even if you aren't religious it's a great book! I'm not and am already amazed by what I've learned about myself and my eating habits.
  • McNubblet
    McNubblet Posts: 4
    Hello. I know you do not know me. But I thought I should make a suggest; don't worry about what you eat. You should focus on working out and making it a habit. The more you work out the more you will connect food to how long you have to be in the gym. Make one habit change at a time. Trying to do too much at once will burn you out. Take time and focus that way you are changing your life not just your day, week, or month :) I hope that helps :)
  • Briannah
    Briannah Posts: 50
    I think you should focus on taking one step at a time. Commend yourself on your exercise achievements yesterday, they were awesome!! Take every day as it comes (and yes some days will be worse than others) and just know that you are making positive steps towards your goal. If you set up good habits now (slowly) you will be able to set yourself up for a healthy pregnancy but nothing changes over night! don't worry about tommorow as tommorow will look after itself, so to speak!

    Bree xx
  • dnsrmr
    dnsrmr Posts: 99 Member
    Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. That happens with people trying to lose weight, or beat an addiction of any kind. You're obviously trying to get healthier, or you wouldn't have posted how guilty you're feeling. It's ok to stumble, as long as you don't do this every day, and it doesn't sound like that's what you're doing.
    Read what you posted. You exercised, and were aware of your eating and your calories.
    You should be patting yourself on the back.
    Even though you stopped off and splurged a bit doesn't mean it's going to ruin your entire regime of losing weight or getting healthy.
    I just started posting my page on this site recently, and need to lose 50 pounds.
    I have fell off the wagon a zillion times it seems, BUT I keep getting back on.
    It's like this "One Day At A Time". That's what we do.
    Keep up the good work, and commend yourself more often than being critical.
    Glad you posted how you feel.
    Everyone is here to help each other, including me.